2022-12-11: News Headlines

____ (2022-12-11). Xi says China to support, help Somalia in reconstruction, anti-terror fight. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is ready to provide assistance to the best of its ability for Somalia's reconstruction and social and economic development, and encourages the two countries' enterprises to explore cooperation in areas including agriculture, fishery and health.

____ (2022-12-11). WHO concerned over increasing antibiotic resistance in human infections. ecns.cn High levels of antibiotic resistance in bacteria are causing life-threatening bloodstream infections, according to the latest report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday.

____ (2022-12-11). What experts say about China's COVID-19 response measures. ecns.cn

____ (2022-12-11). Avatar: The Way of Water promises bright future for Chinese cinemas. ecns.cn In China, more than half of cinemas have resumed business as the country optimized COVID-19 prevention and control measures, with many popular films including Avatar: The Way of Water to be screened in the upcoming days.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-12-11). Presidente de Italia, Sergio Mattarella, da positivo a la Covid-19. telesurtv.net Matarella, de 81 años de edad, se sometió a una prueba y dio positivo, por lo que ha tenido que posponer los compromisos institucionales de los próximos días en su agenda.

WSWS (2022-12-10). Sick children turned away as crisis deepens in Australian hospitals. wsws.org The catastrophic conditions in hospitals are a product of "let it rip" COVID-19 policies, implemented with bipartisan approval since late 2021 and deepened by the federal Labor government of Anthony Albanese.

Aarathi Prasad (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Yin Paradies: transforming organisational and societal cultures. thelancet.com Yin Paradies, the Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Race Relations at Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia started his academic life studying applied mathematics and computing. His first job, at the Indigenous Health Statistics Unit of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, took him towards his work in heath inequalities, on racism as a determinant of Indigenous health in Australia, and his current focus on decolonisation and Indigenous knowledges and perspectives. Paradies, who is a Wakaya man, and "the first person", he says, "in any part of my family to get a PhD", has since published widely on experi…

Rohini Mathur, Christopher T Rentsch, Kavita Venkataraman, Segun Fatumo, Modou Jobe, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Suan Ee Ong, Angel Y S Wong, Moneeza K Siddiqui (2022-12-10). [Comment] How do we collect good-quality data on race and ethnicity and address the trust gap? thelancet.com The collection of high-quality data on race and ethnicity is essential for identifying inequalities and uncovering patterns of potential disadvantage and racism that might otherwise remain insidious. The terms race and ethnicity encompass a wide and complex range of socially constructed characteristics, including an individual's own self-identification and social determinants of health and wellbeing. The importance of collecting race and ethnicity data was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic; for instance, in the UK, researchers uncovered stark ethnic inequalities1,2 and translated these findings into policy…

Saleem Razack, Thirusha Naidu (2022-12-10). [Comment] Honouring the multitudes: removing structural racism in medical education. thelancet.com Structural racism prescribes systems in which policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity.1 Important differential outcomes are based upon race in medical care, within fields as diverse as paediatric surgical outcomes,2 biomedical device design,3 and health-care systems.4 Historically, the uneasy relationship between modern medicine and eugenics, expressed in such broad contexts as the horrors of Nazi "medicine",5 the forced sterilisation of Indigenous women in settler colonial societies,6 and unethical research…

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-10). Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence-Based Medicine? globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-12-10). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org Indian rubber plantation workers continue strike over wages; Australian paramedics and pharmacists carry out limited work bans over crippling staff shortages; New Zealand teachers vote to stop work.

Lawrence B Brown, Fabian Johnston (2022-12-10). [Comment] Racial disparities in physician decision making for primary brain tumours. thelancet.com Prompt evaluation and early surgical resection of neurological tumours have been shown to improve long-term outcomes for patients with primary brain tumors.1—4 Despite the high morbidity of neurological disease within the USA, there is little data considering physician decisions in the management of neurosurgical patients and the disparities that could arise from these decisions. Disparities work in this field has largely focused on patient factors such as access, income, insurance, geography, structural inequities, and operative and postoperative morbidity.

Anonymous103 (2022-12-10). Untold Political Campaign Tools Of The US: Social Media, COVID-19, Masks … southfront.org | Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. government has been using the anti-epidemic measures as bargaining chips. The America First Legal Foundation (AFL) found out that the government has used social media and NGOs to monitor public opinion, changed the public health policy without scientific evidence. As a result, the US leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases, and the citizens are at high risk of infection. | The U.S. government attempted to control public opinions through s…

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-10). [World Report] Pakistan's growing HIV epidemic. thelancet.com Diagnoses are growing and experts fear that infection is moving from key populations to the public at large. Udani Samarasekera reports.

Michael Welch (2022-12-10). Is the Pandemic Over? The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Bankruptcies, Unemployment, Famine and Food Insecurity. globalresearch.ca

Aarathi Prasad (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Margo Greenwood: addressing anti-Indigenous racism in health. thelancet.com Margo Greenwood was born in Wetaskiwin, AB, Canada, to a Cree father and English mother, and was raised and educated in Ponoka, AB. Both places are located in Treaty 6 territory. Tragically, Greenwood lost both her parents, "in my mid-teens", she recalls, "and so I was really on my own". It was an experience that influenced the focus of her work. Greenwood is now Professor in the Education programme at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) in Prince George, BC, Canada. She is also Academic Leader of the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health, hosted at UNBC, Interim Scientific Director o…

Aarathi Prasad (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Thirusha Naidu: shifting power, changing practice. thelancet.com Thirusha Naidu grew up in South Africa, a fourth generation descendent of indentured labourers brought to South Africa in the 1860s. 1994, the year she completed her master's degree in clinical psychology at the University of Durban-Westville, was the same year that apartheid finally came to an end. "Most of my education was during the apartheid era", Naidu says, "and I think that really influenced how I see and think about the world." Now Head of Clinical Psychology at King Dinuzulu Hospital and Associate Professor in the Department of Behavioural Medicine at the School of Nursing and Public Health, University o…

Andrey Moreira Cardoso, Inara do Nascimento Tavares, Guilherme Loureiro Werneck (2022-12-10). [Comment] Indigenous health in Brazil: from vulnerable to protagonists. thelancet.com Indigenous peoples usually have worse social and health conditions than their non-Indigenous counterparts.1 The worse health of Indigenous populations stems from the processes of colonisation that caused ruptures in traditional ways of life, loss of territories, environmental degradation, racial discrimination, and socioeconomic and political marginalisation.2,3 Migration and urbanisation result in housing instability and affect the wellbeing and health of Indigenous populations through weakening social cohesion and networks, loss of identity, and spiritual and emotional bonds.

Diego Baptista, Iruka N Okeke, Chisomo Kalinga (2022-12-10). [Comment] How can research funders advance racial equity? thelancet.com Unequal representation in science means that some scientific questions are not getting asked or answered, and crucially, this limits the breadth of research and stifles innovation. For example, it is now known that encouraging broader populations to participate in clinical trials makes better therapies.1 Additionally, we know that increasing the diversity of human genome data can beneficially inform therapeutic development and the direction of genomics more broadly.2 Increasing the diversity of who participates in research careers improves health equity and outcomes by increasing the spread of research problems t…

Habib Naqvi, Reginald D Williams, Owen Chinembiri, Sam Rodger (2022-12-10). [Comment] Workforce and workplace racism in health systems: organisations are diverse but not inclusive. thelancet.com In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the international reckoning on racial justice, there is a fundamental imperative for organisations to expose and combat racism and bias within the health-care workforce. Racism is a public health threat and there is an opportunity for individuals and institutions to identify and reverse racist policies and practices that lead to unequal treatment, outcomes, and experiences in health care.1 At present, the UK and the USA have workplaces that are increasingly diverse but are not inclusive.

Mishal S Khan, Renzo R Guinto, Ezekiel Boro, Afifah Rahman-Shepherd, Ngozi A Erondu (2022-12-10). [Comment] The need for metrics to measure progress on racial equity in global public health and medicine. thelancet.com For decades, global public health and medicine have implicitly reinforced the prevailing power distortion that favours white and male supremacy, and centres western hegemony.1,2 Structural racism in these fields can only be undone through measures that demolish racist structures and dismantle racialised hierarchies and rules. Many institutions based in high-income countries (HICs), or former coloniser countries, have declared a commitment to tackling racism, but have not clearly articulated, in measurable terms, what this means in practice.

Rachael Davies (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Delan Devakumar: redressing racism and discrimination in health. thelancet.com Delan Devakumar, Professor of Global Child Health and Co-Director of the Centre for the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents at University College London (UCL), UK, has always understood racism and what it is like to be discriminated against. About a year before he was born, his parents' house in Sri Lanka was burnt down. "It was a targeted attack", he says. "My father comes from the Tamil minority group." Later, as a south Asian boy growing up in north Wales, UK, he experienced racism first hand and recalls how "in the 1980s and 90s there weren't many people who looked like us; being called names and someti…

Sharrelle Barber, Andrêa Ferreira, Ashley B Gripper, Jaquelyn L Jahn (2022-12-10). [Comment] Healthy and thriving: advancing anti-racism evidence and solutions to transform the health of Black communities. thelancet.com Residential segregation and the inter-related processes of disinvestment and dispossession in Black communities are among the most visible manifestations of structural racism in many racialised societies globally. Such segregation is one way that racism becomes both embedded in the bricks and mortar and the social fabric of cities through a myriad of historical and contemporary policies and institutional practices1—5 and embodied, ultimately leading to health inequities between communities separated by relatively short distances.

Sujitha Selvarajah, Haleema Sadia Adil, Christine Ekechi (2022-12-10). [Comment] Race, ethnicity, and ill health: making the non-modifiable modifiable. thelancet.com Associations between minoritised racial and ethnic populations and poorer health outcomes are well documented.1,2 In The Lancet, Jameela Sheikh and colleagues3 contribute to this evidence base with a systematic review and individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis. 51 studies from 20 high-income to upper-middle-income countries, from the International Prediction of Pregnancy Complications (IPPIC) Network, with at least two ethnic or racial categories (White, Black, South Asian, Hispanic, or other), were included.

Talha Burki (2022-12-10). [World Report] Research focus: the Ubuntu Center. thelancet.com The Ubuntu Center on Racism, Global Movements, and Population Health Equity brings together academics, residents, organisers, and advocates to advance health. Talha Burki reports.

The Lancet (2022-12-10). [Editorial] Advancing racial and ethnic equity in health. thelancet.com "Racism is a public health emergency of global concern." Since we wrote these words in June, 2020, a monumental worldwide reckoning with racism, xenophobia, and discrimination in society—its roots, its consequences, and its redress—has gathered pace. Marches have taken place and statues have been toppled, activists galvanised and institutions investigated, reforms proposed and elections contested. Progress has been uneven, but interrogation of the power structures that prejudice and mistreat specific groups of people while privileging others has heightened an acknowledgment of racism and its harms[mda…

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Senjuti Saha: advocate for equity in global health research. thelancet.com Microbiologist Senjuti Saha is the Director of the non-profit Child Health Research Foundation (CHRF), in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and a strong advocate for equity in global health research. When she received a grant in 2018 to set up a sequencing facility at CHRF and got the non-governmental organisation's first sequencing machine, she says, "I wanted to show the world that you could be anywhere in the world and be able to sequence. You don't have to ship samples out to the US or UK. You can sequence wherever you are and everybody's capable.

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Michelle Morse: taking a race conscious approach for health equity. thelancet.com Sharing graphs during our interview that show higher rates of premature mortality in Black people than in all other racial and ethnic groups in New York City (NYC), Michelle Morse comments: "That to me is the ultimate example of how racism impacts health; Black people are dying young for no reason other than the net impact of racism." Morse is the Deputy Commissioner for the Center for Health Equity and Community Wellness (CHECW) and inaugural Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NY, USA.

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-10). [Perspectives] Desmond Jumbam: challenging power dynamics in global health. thelancet.com When asked what is needed now to progress the decolonising global health movement, Desmond Jumbam, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Operation Smile in Accra, Ghana, has one word: action. "We've talked about it, and the conversations are important, and they must continue, but we need to focus on actions. We need to focus on holding institutions accountable for what they say they believe in. It's easy for people to go on Twitter and talk about decolonising global health…but we actually need action", he says.

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-10). [World Report] "They see us differently": advancing health for Roma. thelancet.com Roma are Europe's biggest minority ethnic group and face continued discrimination in health care. Udani Samarasekera reports.

Josh Mitteldorf (2022-12-10). U.S. Senate Roundtable: COVID Policy Has Been a Crime Against Humanity. globalresearch.ca

Puja Mehta, Christopher D Buckley (2022-12-10). [Correspondence] "Your people have always been servants": internalised racism in academic medicine. thelancet.com The COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests catalysed a global racial awakening, intensifying an outcry to abolish structural racism, including making science more equitable and accountable. Many minoritised people had an epiphany: that we are standing at the foot of a "hostile obstacle course",1 which contrasts with the popular, but passive, leaky pipeline analogy.

WSWS (2022-12-10). Low levels of testing in Europe obscure rapid COVID-19 winter surge. wsws.org European governments' "forever COVID" strategy has led to the total destruction of the most basic measures to track the virus.

WSWS (2022-12-10). Australia faces holiday surge as COVID infections, hospitalisations grow. wsws.org By every metric, the pandemic is once again worsening in Australia. Governments, however, are insisting that the priority is to ensure a "normal" holiday season to maximise profits.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-10). Costa Rica reporta 3.552 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net El reporte de la semana epidemiológica 48 indica que los casos se incrementaron en 764, en comparación con la semana precedente.

Staff (2022-12-10). Soberana 02 y Soberana Plus reciben gran premio en evento internacional en Belarús. cubadebate.cu Las vacunas cubanas anti covid-19 Soberana 02 y Soberana Plus obtuvieron el Gran Premio del evento internacional de negocios Líder del Año, en Belarús, por su contribución a la lucha mundial contra la pandemia, informó en su cuenta en Twitter el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas (IFV).

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-10). Registran abrupto incremento de casos de Covid-19 en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias de Paraguay indicaron que el número de casos de coronavirus aumentaron un 120 por ciento en una semana.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-10). Francia reporta aumento en tasa de incidencia de Covid-19. telesurtv.net Se registraron al menos 94 muertes más asociadas a la Covid-19, por lo que suman 159.611 desde el inicio de la pandemia.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-10). Belice reporta 69 nuevos casos de Covid-19. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, no varía la cifra de fallecidos, que se mantiene en 688, ni hay personas hospitalizadas.

Ricardo Gomez (2022-12-10). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: A Fossil Fuel-Free Future For LA. levernews.com Good things are happening! In Los Angeles, grassroots organizers made history by banning projects that have long harmed the health of millions of residents. Also, from Puerto Rico to southern New Mexico, environmental activists are making strides to change the legal battlefield against the fossil fuel industry. Meanwhile in Maine, consumers are taking energy justice into their own hands by putting a bold new measure on the 2023 ballot.Read about all these historic victories in this week's edition of You Love To See It below, a weekly feature reviewing good news and progress for Lever supporting subscribers.Roc…

Staff (2022-12-09). Georgia: shrewish U.S. dominatrix lays down law on Saakashvili, Ukraine war, Russian "occupation" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaDecember 9, 2022 U.S. Ambassador Talks Saakashvili, Georgians in Ukraine, Public Defender While attending an event at the Kutaisi State University on 9 December, U.S. Ambassador Kelly Degnan spoke with journalists about the ailing health of imprisoned ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgians fighting in Ukraine, and the ongoing Public Defender selection process. Asked about Saakashvili's …

Brittani Banks (2022-12-09). How a Federal Agency's Funding Crisis Imperils Workers' Rights. independentmediainstitute.org Some workers began delaying doctor's appointments and others started delving deeply into their pockets for care when Tecnocap illegally slashed health benefits at its Glen Dale, West Virginia, manufacturing plant last year. One worker even put thousands of dollars of chemotherapy charges on credit cards to save his wife's life. Lisa Wilds, president of United …

David Bacon (2022-12-09). Ill harvest: In rural California, farmworkers fend for themselves for health care. peoplesworld.org Carmen Hernandez lives in a small home on Chateau Fresno Avenue, one of the three streets that make up Lanare, a tiny unincorporated settlement in the San Joaquin Valley. The street's name sounds more appropriate to an upscale housing development. In reality it is a potholed tarmac lane leading into the countryside from the highway. In …

____ (2022-12-09). Guidelines issued to help patients recover. ecns.cn Health authorities on Thursday issued two guidelines in tandem to help COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms recover at home and to properly monitor their health with test kits.

____ (2022-12-09). Digital economy key in China-ASEAN cooperation. ecns.cn Digital economy in China and ASEAN countries has already pressed the accelerator button, which is becoming a key force to promote economic recovery and the healthy development of the global economy, said Zhang Yong, deputy director of the Cyber Communications Bureau of the Cyberspace Administration of China at a seminar on digital economy and smart cities on Wednesday.

Parker Palmer (2022-12-09). Ontario paramedic: Canada's public health care system in crisis. peoplesworld.org TORONTO—Ontario's emergency medical system is in an escalating crisis, with no plan from government leaders to do much of anything. While politicians pass the buck, outright lie or refuse to admit there's a problem at all, patients and frontline workers—nurses, paramedics, doctors, and other professionals—are watching our health infrastructure fail the sick and vulnerable more …

WSWS (2022-12-09). Another serious accident at Thyssenkrupp Steel following death of worker Refat Sàºleyman. wsws.org Two recent tragic workplace accidents illustrate how Germany's big corporations are seeking to drive up production and profits at the expense of workers lives and health.

Hannah Recht (2022-12-09). Paxlovid and Pfizer Vaccine Expected to Skyrocket in Price Next Year. truthout.org Nearly 6 million Americans have taken Paxlovid for free, courtesy of the federal government. The Pfizer pill has helped prevent many people infected with covid-19 from being hospitalized or dying, and it may even reduce the risk of developing long covid. But the government plans to stop footing the bill within months, and millions of people who are at the highest risk of severe illness and are… |

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-12-09). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. globalresearch.ca Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Ashley Sadler (2022-12-09). Florida Governor DeSantis Promises to Hold Pfizer, Moderna Accountable for COVID Jab Side Effects. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-09). 101-year-old Chinese COVID-19 patient cured after 5 days in hospital. ecns.cn Sitting in her wheelchair, a 101-year-old COVID-19 patient surnamed Li expressed her thanks to the medical staff who had cared for her over the previous five days.

Emanuel Pastreich (2022-12-09). The Third Opium War: The Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Assault on China. globalresearch.ca

Hector Luis Alamo (2022-12-09). Brownlisted: What I Saw This Week in Quarantine. latinorebels.com This week's wrap-up comes to you from the cozy confines of quarantine, as senior editor Hector Luis Alamo has managed to catch COVID for only the second time this year.

WSWS (2022-12-09). At the behest of world capitalism, Chinese Communist Party opens China to COVID-19. wsws.org The demand for mass infection in China comes not from the Chinese people but from international finance capital.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-09). Grupo de Puebla pospone encuentro en apoyo a Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta argentina dio positivo a la Covid-19. El foro político de izquierda señaló que "se encuentra en buen estado de salud".

TeleSUR, rzr, YSM (2022-12-09). FAO potenciará la agricultura familiar. telesurtv.net Se acordó que la agricultura familiar revierta los efectos de la Covid-19, el cambio climático y la inestabilidad del mercado mundial de alimentos.

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