2019-10-13: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

'She is a capitalist through her bones and I'm not': Sanders hits out at Warren's effort to fight sameness
rt.com | 2019-10-13
Being progressive and bashing big companies is a hot trend among hopefuls for the Democratic nomination, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been doing just that. But her rival Bernie Sanders called her "capitalist through her bones." | Self-styled democratic socialist Sanders made progressive ideas popular in 2016 race. In the current election cycle, they have gone mainstream and Warren has been capitalizing on promises of breaking up big tech, taxing the rich, providing Medicare for all. She is now almost tied with former vice president Joe Biden, while Sanders is coming third in recent polls. | "There are differe…

Bayer Shareholders: Put Health and Nature First and Stop Funding This Company!
Colin Todhunter | dissidentvoice.org | 2019-10-13
Campaigner and environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written an open letter to Bayer Crop Science shareholders and Chairman of the Board Werner Wenning. She has also sent them a 13,000-word report. Mason is appealing to shareholders to put human health and nature ahead of profit and to stop funding Bayer. In her report, she …

Anyone Can Get Cancer, But Your Race and Class Affect How Soon You'll Die
Staff | truthout.org | 2019-10-13
| How race and class affect health is demonstrated by a single statistic: Black women are 40 percent more likely to die from breast cancer than white women, though they develop it at the same rate. As David Ansell — a longtime doctor in low-income communities of color in Chicago — proves in hi…

Mike Pence Wants Indiana's Punitive Form of Medicaid to Become a National Model
Staff | truthout.org | 2019-10-13
| This article by Faith in Healthcare's editor, co-published in the Health and Human Rights Journal, tells the story of two ambitious politicians who set out a few years ago to undercut Medicaid in their state. Then-Governor of Indiana Mike Pence and his healthcare advisor Seema Verma have now ascended to the national stage. With Pence as Vice President and Verma as administrator…

On the picket line: 11,500 teachers, staff win contracts at Oregon universities
Alex Bolchi and Sue Davis | workers.org | 2019-10-13
11,500 teachers, staff win contracts at Oregon universities Nearly 7,000‚Äàworkers at Oregon Health and Science University won raises and other improvements when ratifying a new three-year contract by 98.9 percent on Sept. 9. Members of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 328 get a lump sum bonus . . . | Continue reading On the picket line: 11,500 teachers, staff win contracts at Oregon universities at Workers.org

Doctors join climate change protest to warn of health dangers
The Canary | thecanary.co | 2019-10-12
More than 100 healthcare professionals have joined the sixth day of climate change protests in London.Doctors, nurses and medical students were among those demonstrating at Jubilee Gardens, near oil giant Shell's London HQ, on Saturday in the "Health March for the Planet".Several protesters leading the crowd wore hospital face masks, while others carried Extinction Rebellion flags and signs reading: "Climate change is a health issue."Doctors and other health workers took part in the protest in London's Jubilee Gardens (Dominic Lipinski/PA)Alex Turner, 36, a paediatric and emergency doctor from Bristol who was wea…

Colossal WASTE in US healthcare spending surpasses military budget at nearly $1 trillion per year, study says
rt.com | 2019-10-12
Waste and needless spending in America's healthcare system could amount to almost $1 trillion each year, topping total US military expenditures in 2019 — the world's largest defense budget — according to new research. | Encompassing administrative overhead, fraud and abuse, inflated pricing and other inefficiencies, a study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association found the cumulative waste in US healthcare ranged from $760 billion to $935 annually, or 25 percent of what Americans spend each year o…

Inmates fight against dangerous health conditions in prisons
Ted Kelly | workers.org | 2019-10-11
For weeks, prisoners at Pennsylvania's SCI Frackville have been protesting the deteriorating conditions that have led to an outbreak of health problems among inmates. Water from the taps runs a deep "chocolatey brown," according to prison activist Bryant Arroyo. In the showers in his wing of the prison, black mold . . . | Continue reading Inmates fight against dangerous health conditions in prisons at Workers.org

'Movie Idiocracy is a reality!' Google gets to chug millions of gallons of drinking water from dwindling aquifer to cool servers
rt.com | 2019-10-11
Google has been given the go-ahead to pump some 550 million gallons of clean drinking water per year to cool servers at its sprawling data center in South Carolina, sparking outrage and fears the company will deplete the supply. | After months of wrangling over the tech giant's request, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) gave its approval for the company to draw water from a major aquifer for its data center in Berkeley County, so long as it complies with the terms of the permit, in particular caps on the amount it can use. | While Google insists it strives to "build susta…

Massive protests sweep Iraq; Communist Party calls for emergency government
Combined Sources | peoplesworld.org | 2019-10-10
Massive protests have swept Iraq since Oct. 1 in response to widespread anger over high unemployment, especially among youth, enormous corruption, and the inability of the government to deliver essential services like health care, water, and electricity. Protesters are directing their anger at the government of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mehdi and the political parties …

World Mental Health Day sheds light on worrying rates of youth suicide
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-10
Worldwide, 800,000 people die by suicide each year – one every 40 seconds – making it the second leading cause of death among young people (aged 15 to 29), the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday, spotlighting suicide prevention as the theme for this year's World Mental Health Day.

Ebola on the run in DR Congo, 'now we have to kill the virus': UN health agency
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-10
Efforts to eradicate the deadly Ebola epidemic in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are proving successful but "now we have to kill the virus", the UN health agency said on Thursday.

Justice for Kaysera: Native Teen's Mysterious Death Highlights Epidemic of Murdered Indigenous Women
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-10
The family of Native American teenager Kaysera Stops Pretty Places is demanding justice after she was found dead in Hardin, Montana, in late August, just two weeks after her 18th birthday. Kaysera was a member of the Crow and Northern Cheyenne tribal communities in Montana. She lived with her grandmother. According to her family, Kaysera was reported missing after she never came home on the night of August 24. On August 29, the body of a young woman was found in the town of Hardin. It wasn't until two weeks later that local law enforcement confirmed it was Kaysera. The circumstances surrounding her death and disa…

Massachusetts Unions Vote to Vet Presidential Candidates on Medicare for All, Breaking With Labor's Top Brass
Nausicaa Renner | theintercept.com | 2019-10-09
Members of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO recently passed a unanimous resolution to endorse a presidential candidate only if that candidate supports Medicare for All, marking a break from the labor federation's national leadership, which has equivocated on the question of whether to support universal health care. | The resolution, which was passed at a late September convention in Massachusetts attended by delegates from AFL-CIO constituent unions across the country, comes after months of comments from labor leaders criticizing Medicare for All, despite support for the measure among their members. In August and Septem…

Alarming number of women mistreated during childbirth, new UN health agency figures show
United Nations | un.org | 2019-10-08
More than a third of women surveyed across four lower-income countries, reported being mistreated during childbirth, a new study led by the World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed.

Striking UAW Member: We'll Strike "As Long as It Takes" to Demand Fair Salaries and Benefits
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-08
About 48,000 workers at General Motors have entered their fourth week on strike. It is the longest national strike at GM by the United Auto Workers in nearly 50 years. Workers are seeking higher pay, protection of their healthcare benefits, greater job security and a commitment from GM to build more cars and parts in the United States. On Sunday, UAW officials announced they had rejected the company's latest offer, saying negotiations had "taken a turn for the worse." We speak with Steve Frisque, a striking GM worker and former president of UAW Local 722.

"A Backlash Against Our Existence": Laverne Cox Speaks Out on Violence Against Trans Women of Color
Staff | democracynow.org | 2019-10-07
At least 19 transgender people have been killed in the United States in 2019 — most of them trans women of color. Last year, there were at least 26 killings of transgender people. The American Medical Association has declared the wave of violence an "epidemic." Laverne Cox, the award-winning transgender actress and longtime trans rights activist, says such violence has long been part of the lives of trans people. "For my entire life as a trans woman, for 21 years, I have been hearing about, witnessing, going to memorials [and] going to Trans Days of Remembrance," she says. Cox says the violence reflects a s…

Capitalism's doctor shortage is about to get even worse
Roger Kulp | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
In capitalist society, healthcare is not guaranteed as a constitutionally protected right.

Lancaster, PA march demands right to healthcare in the face of hospital closure, corporate profiteering
Ryan Gebhardt | liberationnews.org | 2019-09-30
Community members in Lancaster, Pennsylvania came into the streets on September 21 to march in the heat for the right to quality healthcare.