2024-05-10: News Headlines

Justin A. Davis, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-05-10). Riders Alliance Has A Vision For Better, Safer Subway With Less Policing. popularresistance.org For years, New York City's famous subway system has been caught in the crosshairs of a contentious public debate over crime — but in recent months it has entered a new frontier. In March, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul deployed 750 National Guard members to conduct random bag searches at Metropolitan Transit Authority, or MTA, stations. Later that month, the NYPD announced a surge of 800 additional officers to crack down on fare evasion. | These surges follow broader increases in policing on public transit in New York City over the past decade, which accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WSWS (2024-05-10). Healthcare workers must defend students against police crackdown! wsws.org The same politicians claiming peaceful protests against genocide are intolerable disruptions to "order" never batted an eyelash when hospital morgues were stuffed full of bodies during endless and continuing surges of the pandemic.

tvbrics (2024-05-10). South Africa works to protect surface and groundwater. tvbrics.com Specialists strive to preserve the ecosystem, public health, and sustainable water resources…

WSWS (2024-05-10). After strike vote Warren Stamping workers back broader fight. wsws.org Workers at Warren Stamping told WSWS reporters that the recent strike vote over health and safety at the plant reflected anger over a range of issues including job cuts.

The Independent (2024-05-10). Luwero Hospital: Two medical students lose internship over extortion. independent.co.ug Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Luwero hospital has terminated the internship of two medical students and a health worker is under investigation over alleged extortion. On Wednesday, Luwero hospital administration invited local leaders and residents to assess client satisfaction, get feedback on health services and areas of improvement. The engagement was held at Luwero Sub …

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