Daily Archives: November 10, 2023

2023-11-10: News Headlines

Erica Charters (2023-11-11). Perspectives] The drama of epidemics and the promise of vaccines. thelancet.com COVID-19 inquiries, reflections on the pandemic, and revised preparedness plans for the next outbreak signal that we have moved into the end stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, although infections and illness continue. The end of an epidemic is marked not by the disappearance of disease, but by looking back to make sense of what happened, identifying what went wrong, and transforming affliction into lessons learned, linking past frustrations to future optimism. Simon Schama's sweeping history of vaccines, Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines, and the Health of Nations, fits neatly into this stage of epidemic trajector…

Udani Samarasekera (2023-11-11). Perspectives] Anurag and Madhavi Bhargava: enhancing TB prevention and care. thelancet.com At the non-profit Jan Swasthya Sahyog (People's Health Support Group) that Anurag and Madhavi Bhargava set up with fellow physicians, the toll of tuberculosis was clear. Between 2000 and 2009, in their single centre in rural Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India, they diagnosed around 600 people with tuberculosis each year. One underlying issue stood out to them—the impact of widespread undernutrition on the disease. Yet the pair knew current national and international treatment guidelines for tuberculosis had no system for assessment of nutritional status or support.

Editor (2023-11-10). Nov 10, 2023. sitrepworld.info ‚ô´ Natalie & Nat King Cole — Unforgettable We are Spartacus, by John Pilger The World at War: Julian Assange, Zelensky/Mussolini and Nasrallah's Maginot Line, by Declan Hayes Day 33: 'War of Starvation' in Gaza; 40,000 Residential Bldgs Destroyed; Rate of Massacres Accelerates Day 34: Children who survive the bombs may die of starvation, disease, and dehydration, by Leila Warah Questions re Gaza, by Mazin Qumsiyeh Voicing the Israeli Regime's Criminal Insanity… Nuking Gaza to Destroy Hamas, by Finian Cunningham Gaza is Hiroshima: The West is Collectively Responsible for Israel's Genocide…

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). Researchers find clues to 'Long COVID'. ecns.cn A research team led by doctors from three top Chinese hospitals has made a significant breakthrough in understanding so-called Long COVID, which will aid in the early identification of high-risk individuals and provide molecular-level clues for studying the mechanisms of the disease.

Julia Conley (2023-11-09). As Its Health Care System Collapses, Infectious Diseases Are Surging in Gaza. truthout.org The infectious disease outbreaks that doctors on the ground, public health officials, and humanitarian groups have been warning about for weeks in Gaza appear to be in full force, the World Health Organization said Thursday as it reiterated its call for a cease-fire to save lives. The global public health organization said authorities have reported a surge in cases of diarrhea, with more than half… |

Leila Warah (2023-11-09). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 34: Children who survive the bombs may die of starvation, disease, and dehydration. mondoweiss.net UN agencies report that fuel shortages will force Gaza hospitals, desalination plants, and bakeries to close, indirectly killing many. "The situation is catastrophic. Civilians, especially children, continue to pay the heaviest price," says Save the Children.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-09). cardiovascular Diseases first cause of death in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Cardiovascular diseases are still today the first cause of death in Cuba and of complications and economic and work-related effects on society, said Dr. Eduardo Rivas, president of the Cuban Society of Cardiology.

Geoff Watts (2023-11-11). Obituary] Victor Robert Fuchs. thelancet.com Health-care economics pioneer. He was born in New York City, NY, USA, on Jan 31, 1924 and died in Palo Alto, CA, USA, on Sept 16, 2023 aged 99 years.

John Zarocostas (2023-11-11). World Report] WMO calls for greater use of climate services in health. thelancet.com Sharing and supply of data are essential for the health sector to function as extreme weather events become more frequent. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva, Switzerland.

Roopa Farooki (2023-11-11). Perspectives] Listening to the experiences of pandemic physicians. thelancet.com It's fair to say that the first floor of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is a safe space; it is light and airy, with high ceilings and stained-glass details in the windows. The RCP's new exhibition, Fortitude: Healthcare Workers' Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic, arranged down a long wall, does not try to dominate. At first sight, it is a disparate and eclectic collection; glass cases with snapshots in candid moments, scraps of writing and small mementos, headphones promising voiced accounts, notwithstanding the short film and professional photographs of health-care workers that are prominently displaye…

Sharmila Devi (2023-11-11). World Report] Sudan facing humanitarian crisis of "epic proportions" thelancet.com Conflict has led to the biggest internal displacement of people in the world, causing widespread harm to health. Sharmila Devi reports.

The Lancet (2023-11-11). Editorial] Gambling: a harmful commodity. thelancet.com Gambling is often seen as a bit of harmless fun: a light-hearted flutter on a sporting event or a quick try with a scratch card. But gambling harms physical and mental health and can do wider damage to societies. One study suggests that past-year problem gambling affects 0 ∑1—5 ∑8% of adults globally. When measured in quality-adjusted life-years, the burden of harm from gambling in some countries is similar to that of depression and alcohol, mostly resulting from financial loss, damage to relationships and health, mental distress, and adverse effects on work and education, disproportionately affecti…

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-11-10). Health Workers Rally In NYC In Solidarity With Palestine. popularresistance.org Hundreds of health workers and demonstrators gathered outside of New York City Hall in solidarity with Palestinian health workers on the night of November 3. Demonstrators rallied in their scrubs and white coats, honoring the many health care workers who have lost their lives in Gaza. Since October 7, at least 150 health care workers have been killed by Israel in Gaza. Demonstrators stood in vigil to honor the slaughtered health care workers, calling for an end to the Israeli assault in Gaza, access to medical care in the Strip, and an end to US aid to Israel, free healthcare for all including those in the US, an…

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-09). US Official Says Gaza Death Toll Likely Higher Than Being Reported. news.antiwar.com A senior US official said that the death toll caused by Israel's assault on Gaza is likely far higher than the over 10,000 number being reported by Gaza's Health Ministry, The Hill reported on Thursday. The comments were made by Barbara Leaf, assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and break from President Biden's …

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). Giant panda family heads for China. ecns.cn The aircraft will make a stopover in Alaska for refueling before reaching Sichuan Province, with the entire flight lasting approximately 19 hours. Two keepers and a veterinarian will accompany the three pandas, all of which are in good health.

Emily Janakiram (2023-11-09). South Carolina Is Ripping Infants Away From Their Mothers Over Pot Use. truthout.org Imagine toiling on your feet throughout an entire pregnancy, trying desperately to gain weight despite debilitating nausea, surviving domestic violence while pregnant and finally giving birth to a healthy child. Then imagine watching the state unexpectedly rip your child away from you at the moment of birth, put your older child in foster care and threaten you with a decade in jail — all because a… |

geo.tv (2023-11-09). Elon Musk 'much different person' after purchasing Twitter: author. geo.tv Ben Mezrich attributes Elon Musk's alleged mental health decline to last year's series of negative incidents…

Health Freedom Defense Fund (2023-11-09). Do You Know What's in a Vaccine? Chemical Ingredients. globalresearch.ca

isabella (2023-11-09). Why Maximus Workers Are Walking off the Job. inequality.org

Labor Video Project (2023-11-09). SFGH UCSF Healthcare Workers Protest Israeli US Genocide In Gaza Against Palestinians. indybay.org San Francisco healthcare workers from San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF walked off the job and rallied on Friday November 4, 2023 to protest the massacre and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They talked about the conditions of healthcare workers and their patients.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-09). France to host humanitarian conference on Gaza. plenglish.com The forum was announced by President Emmanuel Macron, and according to the Foreign Ministry, it will focus on actions in favor of respect for International Humanitarian Law, the protection of Palestinian civilians and humanitarian workers, and access to the affected people in the Gaza Strip. | Another objective of the meeting is enhancing humanitarian aid to the population of Gaza in sectors such as health care, water, energy and food. | France claims that its intention is to seek a concrete international response to the crisis, focused on supporting agencies and organizations working on the ground, and based on…

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-09). Gates Foundation's Venture Into "AI for Global Health" Will Produce Far More Harm Than Good — BMJ Report Warns. expose-news.com The Gates Foundation's "AI initiative" is getting scrutinised, and criticised, from a variety of points of view. And now a trio of academics has offered their take on the controversial push into …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-09). Israel increases attacks on health infrastructure in Gaza. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-11-09). Health workers in Québec strike for better working conditions. peoplesdispatch.org Health workers in Québec began a two-day strike on November 8, following unsuccessful negotiations with the government. Members of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ) repeated their demand for a fair deal for health workers at the end of October and vowed to keep the pressure up until significant improvements are made to working conditions in the sector. | During discussions that have taken place since an earlier collective agreement expired in March, the Québec government failed to address the main concerns of the health workers, including nurses, respiratory therapists, and clinical…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-09). Anastrozole — Here we go again giving experimental drugs to perfectly healthy women. expose-news.com The NHS has said around 289,000 women could be offered anastrozole. It comes after UK medicine regulators approved the drug on Monday under Britain's Medicines Repurposing Programme, a new approvals process that …

Ruth Milka (2023-11-09). Sanders advocates for equity in pandemic response, presses for fair pricing in WHO treaty talks. nationofchange.org Economic parity in health emergence: Sanders' rallying cry for global equity in WHO pandemic accord.

Vijay Prashad (2023-11-09). From Gaza and Cuba, They Ask: Are You Human Like Us? dissidentvoice.org Rachid Koraichi (Algeria), One Plate, from A Nation in Exile, c. 1981. More than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli armed forces in Gaza since 7 October, nearly half of them children, according to the most recent report by spokesperson for the Gaza Ministry of Health Dr Ashraf Al-Qudra. Over 25,000 others have been …

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-09). Cuban President visits El Morao community in Havana. plenglish.com The head of State was accompanied by Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), and top Party and Government officials in Havana and the neighborhood, the Presidency of the Republic reported on its X account. | According to source, in El Morao, one of 11 neighborhoods undergoing transformation the Havana municipality of La Lisa, 1,500 people have benefited from the changes, mainly in social works, which consist of paved streets, sports and recreational areas, health care and education. | The transformation pla…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-09). New Zealand medicine regulator extends provisional authorisation for Pfizer covid mRNA injection for two years. expose-news.com Medsafe, the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority, announced last week that it had renewed Pfizer's provisional consent to distribute its covid "vaccines" in New Zealand for another two years. …

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-09). "Oxford AstraZeneca Covid Jab Was 'Defective', Claims Landmark Legal Case" writes the Telegraph, but is it Just Damage Limitation? expose-news.com AstraZeneca is being sued in the High Court in a test case by Jamie Scott, a father-of-two who suffered a significant permanent brain injury that has left him unable to work as a result …

ecns.cn (2023-11-10). Scientists finds clues to crack mystery of long COVID. ecns.cn A group of Chinese scientists have unearthed clues that could explain the mechanisms of long COVID-19. They have discovered key biomarkers that can help identify high-risk groups and develop treatment.

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