Daily Archives: September 29, 2023

2023-09-29: News Headlines

Claude Matuchansky (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Natural SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced immune protection against re-infection. thelancet.com In their remarkable systematic review and meta-analysis,1 the COVID-19 Forecasting Team showed that past infection-induced protection against re-infection from pre-omicron variants was very high for at least 40 weeks, that protection was substantially lower and shorter for the omicron BA.1 variant, and that protection from severe disease was high for all variants. The authors establish a strong COVID-19 milestone (pre-empted in some perspective papers from 2020 to 2021)2,3 that is a giant leap for global health epidemiology and clinical practice.

Maria Elena Flacco, Cecilia Acuti Martellucci, Lamberto Manzoli (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Extra data to confirm waning protection of omicron (B.1.1.529) natural immunity. thelancet.com We read with interest the meta-analysis authored by the COVID-19 Forecasting Team.1 The authors report a high degree of protection (>80%) against re-infection and COVID-19 disease for ancestral, alpha (B.1.1.7), beta (B.1.351), and delta (B.1.617.2) variants, but a higher risk of re-infection and symptomatic disease from the omicron BA.1 variant than other variants. We have been reassured to learn that the findings of a previous meta-analysis on the topic have been substantiated.2…

Tungki Pratama Umar (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Arcturus (XBB.1.16) COVID-19 subvariant emergence in Indonesia. thelancet.com The COVID-19 pandemic is still a problem for the global community. New subvariants, primarily descended from omicron (B.1.1.529) sublineages, are continuously emerging and making this scenario harder to control due to their immune evasion capacity.1…

Zhi Qu (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Cautionary notes on the COVID-19 re-infection study. thelancet.com The COVID-19 Forecasting Team's systematic review and meta-analysis indicated a high protective effect of past SARS-CoV-2 infection against re-infection with pre-omicron variants.1 As an interested reader of this study, I suggest a more cautious interpretation of the current findings due to potential sources of bias in the risk of re-infection assessment.

Ryan Cristián (2023-09-28). Scientist Warns Omicron Synthetic, modRNA Food/Experiment & CDC Desperate To Jab Kids/Pregnant Women. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/28/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

ELEL (2023-09-30). Department of Error] Department of Error. thelancet.com GBD 2021 Diabetes Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet 2023; 402: 203—34—In this Article, institutional affiliations have been amended for Bing-Fang Hwang, Made Ary Sarasmita, and Ming-Chieh Li. These corrections have been made to the online version as of Sept 28, 2023.

Geoff Watts (2023-09-30). Obituary] Anthony Bryceson. thelancet.com Authority on leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases. He was born in Kohat, Pakistan, on Nov 16, 1934 and died in Cairns, QLD, Australia, on July 19, 2023 aged 88 years.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-09-29). Professor Azra Ghani takes the reins of renewed MRC Centre. imperial.ac.uk Professor Azra Ghani has been appointed Director of MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis securing funding for the next three years.

| Anadolu Agency | (2023-09-28). Dengue vaccine tests successful for 1st time in epidemic-hit Bangladesh. tribune.com.pk

Katherine Hearst (2023-09-29). Egyptian woman murdered on campus in third femicide case this week. middleeasteye.net Egyptian woman murdered on campus in third femicide case this week | The spate of killings is part of an 'epidemic' of gender-based violence in Egypt, says activist | Fri, 09/29/2023 – 17: 04 | Nourhan (pictured) was gunned down by a colleague on campus (social media) | An employee of Cairo University was killed on campus on Thursday, in the third incident of femicide in Egypt in tw…

splcenter (2023-09-29). SPLC launches Hate Crimes Awareness Month to highlight epidemic of bias incidents. splcenter.org

Ambroise Wonkam (2023-09-30). Perspectives] Are we genetically literate enough for global precision health? thelancet.com In The Age of Scientific Wellness Leroy Hood and Nathan Price argue with passion, excellence, and personal experience for a proactive approach to achieving the real potential of precision health, developed around prospective data-based preventive system health. This approach integrates various indicators from genomics, phenomics, blood multiomics precision measurements, environmental big data clues, and computer science, including artificial intelligence, to achieve what they describe as "Scientific Wellness"—ie, a cutting-edge form of personalised precision preventive care, aimed at beating any occurrence…

Chengliang Yang, Linda Lapp, Scott J Tebbutt (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy hurdles. thelancet.com Vaccine hesitancy and the spreading of misinformation continue to be important barriers to implementing crucial public health interventions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, according to the report by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from the 14th meeting of the International Health Regulations COVID-19 Emergency Committee.

Christos Tsagkaris, Andreas S Papazoglou, Dimitrios V Moysidis, Stavros P Papadakos, Marios Papadakis (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Striving to afford free health care in Greece during COVID-19. thelancet.com Greece is fortunate to have a public health-care system that provides free access to highly expensive investigations and treatments. However, the reality of understaffing and underfunding within the health-care system means that patients' relatives often have to accompany them day and night to assist with practical needs, such as dressing, eating, and the use of the lavatory. These dedicated, informal caregivers provide these services without any compensation or formal education, sacrificing their own physical, emotional, and social wellbeing.

The Lancet (2023-09-30). Editorial] Immigration reform in the USA: health must come first. thelancet.com The International Organization for Migration's (IOM) Missing Migrant Project found that 2022 was the deadliest year on record for migrants and identified the USA—Mexico border as the most dangerous overland migration route in the world. The perilous journeys migrants are forced to make expose them to a vast array of health risks. Difficulties in reporting along these clandestine routes mean that the true scale of the challenges migrants experience rarely makes headlines, but the USA's consistent focus on deterrence exacerbates the complex health demands of migration and needlessly exposes vulnerable populat…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-09-29). Critical public health experts face rising maltreatment and corporate intrusion. peoplesdispatch.org Critical public health is under attack by both corporate sector and authoritarian regimes, warned panelists at International Association of Health Policy Europe conference, citing examples of Palestine, Turkey, and Australia…

Peter Koenig (2023-09-29). The Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO: Total Enslavement of Humanity Through a "Global Health Dictatorship" globalresearch.ca

scorinoco (2023-09-29). Argentina Court Allows Indigenous Leader Milagro Sala's Transfer to La Plata Hospital. orinocotribune.com The Jujuy court has finally approved the transfer of Milagro Sala to the Italian Hospital in La Plata, Argentina, so that she can receive treatment for the thrombosis that has been affecting her health in recent months. The decision was made by Carlos Cattán, the judge of the Penal Court of Jujuy, Argentina, after a hearing for "humanitarian reasons" that took place on Thursday, September 28, at the request of the defense team of Sala, the politically persecuted indigenous leader of Argentina's Tupac Amaru indigenous organization. | According to the defense team of Sala, "the court has just authorized the transfe…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-09-28). On International Safe Abortion Day, women demand access to abortion through strong public health systems. peoplesdispatch.org On September 28, health and women's rights activists are mobilizing to demand universal access to safe abortion and an end to the persecution of reproductive justice advocates…

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). Over Half of US Voters 'Very Concerned' About Biden's Cognitive Health – Poll. sputnikglobe.com In a recent poll of US voters by an American media company, more than half of respondents said they were "very concerned" about the cognitive health of US President Joe Biden, reflecting broad dissatisfaction with the octogenarian's presumed position as the Democratic' Party's nominee for the 2024 presidential elections.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-09-28). Cuba and PAHO to expand cooperation in defense of health. plenglish.com Washington, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Public Health Minister José Angel Portal and Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Jarbas Barbosa da Silva signed the 2023-2027 Cooperation Strategy, it was reported here on Thursday.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). UK regulator clears $1.52 billion UnitedHealth-EMIS deal. channelnewsasia.com

Lee Hall (2023-09-29). Vegan Cats Do Not Exist. counterpunch.org Photo by Paola Andrea Cats may get health benefits from vegan diet, study suggests. So says a recent column by a science correspondent at the Guardian, describing new research comparing how cats fare when eating "vegan versus meat-based cat food." In that research, published through PLOS One, authors Andrew Knight, Alexander Bauer, and Hazel Brown

Paul Armentano (2023-09-29). The Science is Clear: Marijuana is Safer Than Tobacco. counterpunch.org Nearly twice as many Americans believe that smoking cigarettes is more hazardous to your health than smoking marijuana. They're right. Numerous studies assessing the long-term health impacts of cannabis smoke exposure belie the myth that marijuana is associated with the same sort of well established, adverse respiratory hazards as tobacco. For example, federally funded research at the University of California, Los Angeles

teleSUR (2023-09-28). East Libya: UN Calls for Humanitarian Aid Due to Flood. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) highlighted the humanitarian needs in eastern Libya hit by recent deadly floods. | Related: | "Humanitarian needs to remain critical. UN agencies found that half of the 78 health facilities assessed in Derna and parts of Al-Jabar Al-Akhdar are either partially or totally non-functioning. Rushing floodwaters also destroyed water networks and sewage pipes," UNSMIL said in…

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2023-09-28). Climate Chaos and the Deserts. counterpunch.org Deserts have a biocrust that acts like our skin. The "skin" of the desert soils is "essential to life in dry places." This "biocrust" is a mixture of fungi, blue-green algae, lichens, mosses, and a variety of other microbes. All together, these microorganisms keep water and create food for themselves and other microbes. Rising temperatures, however, destroys the skin-biocrust of desert soils, thus precipitating the spread of deserts. This is a large global harm as the biocrust-skin of the desert soils makes up 12 percent of all land on the planet. Its health is essential to the integrity of the health of the Eart…

Newswire Editor (2023-09-28). Insurance Giants Deeply Involved in Underwriting U.S. Coal, Undermining Public Net-Zero Commitments. commondreams.org Global insurance giants

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). Leaked US Report Reveals Burnout, Racist Remarks Plague Alaska Troops. sputnikglobe.com An army Cohesion Assistance Team (CAT) review documented sexism, racist jokes and drinking as among the problems experienced by the newly-christened 11th Airborne Division. Resource shortages and a heavy workload were also cited.

Ann Danaiya Usher (2023-09-30). World Report] COVAX: the unspent billions. thelancet.com Waning demand has left COVAX, the scheme to provide COVID-19 vaccines to lower-income countries, with billions of unspent dollars. What to do with the money? Ann Danaiya Usher reports.

Megan Redshaw (2023-09-29). Meat from Animals Vaccinated with mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way Into the US Food Supply. globalresearch.ca

Michael Nevradakis (2023-09-29). Vaccines Grown in Lettuce? Rep. Massie Asks House to Bar FDA, USDA From Funding Transgenic Edible Vaccines. globalresearch.ca

Patricia Harrity (2023-09-29). Air Vax — mRNA Delivered Straight Into The Lungs — No Jab Needed. expose-news.com Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent. A team from Yale University has developed a new airborne …

Tommy Robinson (2023-09-29). Video: "Turning edible plants into mRNA vaccine factories…" Rep. Thomas Massie. globalresearch.ca

A Midwestern Doctor (2023-09-28). "Medical Gaslighting": Why Are Vaccine-Injured Patients Silenced? globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-28). Video: National Citizen's Inquiry — Alberta Government Deleted COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury and Death data. Dr. William Makis. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-09-28). Selected Articles: Slouching Towards "Beelzebub". The White House, NIH, CDC, Were Fully Aware that the "Miraculous" Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccine Resulted in Myocarditis and Blood Clotting. globalresearch.ca

Patricia Harrity (2023-09-28). Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Post COVID mRNA "Vaccine." A Review. expose-news.com Vaginal bleeding after COVID mRNA "vaccination" is an issue that has not been well studied, says Dr William Makis, a Canadian physician who has expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Dr Makis …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-28). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. globalresearch.ca Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-28). Regulators ignore the safety and ethical issues of gene-edited crops and livestock. expose-news.com Not all genetic technologies used in veterinary medicine fall under the categories of "mRNA vaccines" or "mRNA gene therapies." There are other terms to look out for. There are several DNA and …

Christoph Hochmayr, Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, Elke Griesmaier (2023-09-30). Correspondence] COVID toes, newborn blue toes, and prepartum SARS-CoV-2 infection — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Ya Bin Zhou and Zi Gang Xu for their interest in our Clinical Picture1 and their critical considerations.

Leonardo Palumbo, Camila A Picchio, Catherine Smallwood, Cristiana Salvi, Gerald Rockenschaub (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Community COVID-19 response in WHO's European region. thelancet.com The Risk Communication, Community Engagement, and Infodemic Management (RCCE-IM) unit of the WHO European region read the Correspondence by Ruth Kutalek and colleagues1 with interest. COVID-19 showed that RCCE-IM is an integral component of the emergency cycle, from preparedness to recovery. The authors rightly highlight that community engagement with civil society organisations (CSOs) deserves greater acknowledgment and investment to ensure sustainability in the long term, particularly in Europe.

Ya Bin Zhou, Zi Gang Xu (2023-09-30). Correspondence] COVID toes, newborn blue toes, and prepartum SARS-CoV-2 infection. thelancet.com We appreciate Christoph Hochmayr and colleagues1 sharing a case of a newborn baby with blue toes. However, we disagree with the diagnosis given for this case.

Contributing Writers (2023-09-29). Florida Surgeon General Denounces COVID Jabs: "These are really terrible products" marktaliano.net READ MORE: |

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-29). Gallbladder Cancer: Why Are COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Getting These Types of Turbo Cancers? globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-09-29). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-09-29). BRICS Offers Vision for New Global Order. infobrics.org With the world entering a post-COVID environment, each country is struggling to deal with severe economic challenges. Alongside these are the possibility, if not probability, of enhanced friction between nations due to insecure regional and global environments…

Dr. William Makis (2023-09-28). COVID mRNA Injury Series: Vaginal Bleeding After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. globalresearch.ca

Kristine Blix (2023-09-28). Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding and COVID-19 Vaccination in Nonmenstruating Women. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-09-28). Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews resigns amid developing political crisis in Australia. wsws.org Andrews was a right-wing figure who played a central role in overturning the successful COVID mitigation measures that his government had been compelled to implement by mass popular demands.

WSWS (2023-09-29). UK government and education unions leave life threatening RAAC crisis unaddressed. wsws.org Educators and children face years in substandard buildings only fit for demolition, with schools neither structurally sound nor safe from the spread of COVID.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). Millions travel across China as national holiday kicks off. channelnewsasia.com

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