Daily Archives: June 27, 2023

2023-06-27: News Headlines

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-27). Cuba produces effective radiopharmaceuticals for medical diagnosis. plenglish.com For the first time, the country produces positronic radiopharmaceuticals; labeled with a | radionuclide obtained in a cyclotron. Its introduction into the National Health System allows a qualitative leap in applying more precise oncological treatment techniques. | Its commercial name is F-Glutep, and the molecule has been recorded at the Cuban Industrial Property Office, Granma newspaper reports. | The Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies Agency awarded the work "Results of the introduction of the 18F-FDG molecule in the National Health System" with one of its 2022 prizes.

WSWS (2023-06-27). Australian media denounce striking warehouse workers for opposing real wage cut. wsws.org Around 190 warehouse workers at an Australian Pharmaceutical Industries plant in Melbourne are striking in opposition to company management efforts to impose a significant real wage cut over the next four years.

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). CD19-Targeting CAR T-Cell Therapy for Antisynthetase Syndrome. jamanetwork.com Antisynthetase syndrome is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the presence of autoantibodies targeting one of the aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetases. Autoantibodies targeting histidyl transfer RNA synthetase, also known as anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies, are the most common, with frequencies between 20% and 30% in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. The combination of antisynthetase syndrome—myositis, arthritis, and interstitial lung disease (ILD)—is present in up to 20% of the patients at disease onset, and studies have shown that patients with anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies can develop ILD in…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). The White House's Strategic Plan to Address the Opioid Crisis. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent Viewpoint called attention to policy barriers at state and local levels that may hinder implementation of lifesaving strategies outlined in the National Drug Control Strategy (NDCS). Although this Viewpoint proposed cohesive policy objectives and actions, we would like to point out a vulnerable population that was not mentioned in this article: adolescents. It is imperative that harm reduction policy objectives include focused efforts on opioid overdose prevention education among the adolescent population. A December 2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report documented a 109% i…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). CD19-Targeting CAR T Cells for Myositis and Interstitial Lung Disease. jamanetwork.com This case report summarizes treatment of a patient with antisynthetase syndrome using CD19-targeting T cells against B cells and plasmablasts.

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). Are There Reasons to Fear Anxiety Screening? jamanetwork.com Mental disorders are a leading cause of disease burden worldwide, with anxiety disorders being the second most influential contributor, after depressive disorders, to global disability-adjusted life-years. Anxiety disorders are characterized by anxious mood and, often, phobic avoidance, which result in extreme distress, functional impairment, or both. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) (DSM-5) recognizes the following types of anxiety disorders likely to be seen in adults: generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias, s…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). siRNAs—A New Class of Medicines. jamanetwork.com This Genomics and Precision Health article explains how small interfering RNA can modulate disease targets considered "undruggable" by small molecules and biologics.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-27). PAHO debates strategies to improve health in the Americas region. plenglish.com Washington, 27 (Prensa Latina) Strengthening health personnel, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in child, adolescent and youth populations will be topics to be discussed by the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Science Saturday: Study finds senescent immune cells promote lung tumor growth. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that are among the body's first line of defense against infection. In addition to killing harmful microorganisms, macrophages typically can initiate a response against tumors. However, macrophages, like other cells, can enter a state called senescence, which is linked to aging, disease and multiple physiological problems. When cells become senescent, they stop dividing, but they do not die and are not always eliminated from the body. They…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Reducing the risks of sexually transmitted infections. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to rise the in the U.S and around the globe. The World Health Organization reports more than 1 million new sexually transmitted infections are acquired a day — with the majority of them asymptomatic. Dr. Stacey Rizza, an infectious diseases physician with Mayo Clinic, says there are many reasons for the continued rise in sexually transmitted infections in the last few years. She says educating people is crucial and an important step in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Preventing cancer for future generations of Black families. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The statistics are staggering. Black people are more likely to die from cancer than other racial and ethnic groups. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African Americans have the highest death rate from cancer overall. National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week is June 15—21. Dr. Kim Barbel Johnson, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, says educating patients is essential to reducing and preventing cancer deaths…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Is a cancer clinical trial right for me? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical trials, also known as clinical studies, help medical researchers understand how to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer and other diseases and conditions. Healthcare professionals translate findings from clinical trials into treatments that can lead to longer, healthier lives for people with cancer. Clinical trials are an important option to consider if you're facing a cancer diagnosis. Joining a clinical trial may provide experimental treatment options you may not otherwise have. What is a clinical…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Maximize memory function with a nutrient-rich diet. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research suggests that the ability to maximize memory function may be related to what you eat. Following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and a variety of plant foods rich in phytonutrients could positively affect your health. Phytonutrients are substances found in certain plants that are believed to be beneficial for human health and help prevent certain diseases. There's still much to learn about what makes up a brain-healthy diet. Studies are finding that…

infobrics (2023-06-27). BRICS Vaccine Research & Development Center Can Play a Vital Role in Providing Equitable Access to Vaccines. infobrics.org Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of Health & Family Welfare, addressed the BRICS Health Ministers Meeting 2023 on the side-lines of the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The meeting brought together health ministers from BRICS member countries- Brazil, China, Russia, and South Africa…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). International Mental Health. jamanetwork.com The World Congress on "Mental Health and World Citizenship" scheduled for August 1948 in London will discuss (1) problems of world citizenship and good group relationship; (2) the individual and society; (3) family problems and psychologic disturbances; (4) planning for mental health organization, training propaganda, and (5) mental health in industry and industrial relations. Committees and discussion groups have been established composed of psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, educators, anthropologists and members of other technical groups in the human sciences. The object of the Congress is to find are…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). Transition From Mentored to Independent NIH Funding by Gender and Department. jamanetwork.com This study uses National Institutes of Health RePORTER data for mentored K awards and R01-equivalent grants to all departments in US schools of medicine to characterize K-award distribution and K-to-R transition by gender and department between 1997 and 2021.

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). California's State Insurance Gender Nondiscrimination Act and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Surgery—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to our study, Mr Das and Dr Drolet raise concern that the population was limited to inpatient gender-affirming surgery. Furthermore, they suggest that the period between 2016 and 2019 should be analyzed separately to account for the effects of Section 1557 of the ACA. This is an incorrect representation of the policy. Section 1557 was implemented in 2010 with the ACA. The final rule issued in 2016 by the Department of Health and Human Services clarified the interpretation and enforcement of the original law to include protections based on gender identity but did not issue new language expandi…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). The White House's Strategic Plan to Address the Opioid Crisis—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We completely agree with the Letters by Ms Michel and colleagues and Dr Chaiyachati and colleagues, which advocate for greater focus on child, adolescent, and family health and safety as a part of a comprehensive strategy to address the overdose crisis.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Maximize memory function with a nutrient-rich diet. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research suggests that the ability to maximize memory function may be related to what you eat. Following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and a variety of plant foods rich in phytonutrients could positively affect your health. Phytonutrients are substances found in certain plants that are believed to be beneficial for human health and help prevent certain diseases. There's still much to learn about what makes up a brain-healthy diet. Studies are finding that…

infobrics (2023-06-27). BRICS Vaccine Research & Development Center Can Play a Vital Role in Providing Equitable Access to Vaccines. infobrics.org Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of Health & Family Welfare, addressed the BRICS Health Ministers Meeting 2023 on the side-lines of the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The meeting brought together health ministers from BRICS member countries- Brazil, China, Russia, and South Africa…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). International Mental Health. jamanetwork.com The World Congress on "Mental Health and World Citizenship" scheduled for August 1948 in London will discuss (1) problems of world citizenship and good group relationship; (2) the individual and society; (3) family problems and psychologic disturbances; (4) planning for mental health organization, training propaganda, and (5) mental health in industry and industrial relations. Committees and discussion groups have been established composed of psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, educators, anthropologists and members of other technical groups in the human sciences. The object of the Congress is to find are…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). Transition From Mentored to Independent NIH Funding by Gender and Department. jamanetwork.com This study uses National Institutes of Health RePORTER data for mentored K awards and R01-equivalent grants to all departments in US schools of medicine to characterize K-award distribution and K-to-R transition by gender and department between 1997 and 2021.

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). California's State Insurance Gender Nondiscrimination Act and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Surgery—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to our study, Mr Das and Dr Drolet raise concern that the population was limited to inpatient gender-affirming surgery. Furthermore, they suggest that the period between 2016 and 2019 should be analyzed separately to account for the effects of Section 1557 of the ACA. This is an incorrect representation of the policy. Section 1557 was implemented in 2010 with the ACA. The final rule issued in 2016 by the Department of Health and Human Services clarified the interpretation and enforcement of the original law to include protections based on gender identity but did not issue new language expandi…

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). The White House's Strategic Plan to Address the Opioid Crisis—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We completely agree with the Letters by Ms Michel and colleagues and Dr Chaiyachati and colleagues, which advocate for greater focus on child, adolescent, and family health and safety as a part of a comprehensive strategy to address the overdose crisis.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-06-27). 2023 Oakland Juneteenth – Bay Area Culturally Competent Mental Health Services. indybay.org June 19, 1865 remains our agreed upon date to collectively celebrate the holiday, Juneteenth. Freedom is never free… Post Traumatic Stress is often imposed upon people of Pan African Descent, still. Our journey from Slavery to Freedom continues… Barriers to Mental Health Services are slowly coming down and healthy solutions bound with lasting cost savings to our communities.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-27). Covid Related News: WHO pushes for censorship and Wellcome Trust pushes for PCR testing of healthy people in the future. expose-news.com Despite the revelations during the UK Covid Inquiry and yet more evidence of the harms and deaths the covid injections cause, the World Health Organisation ("WHO") pushes for sweeping censorship to stop …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-27). Is the WHO the Terrorist Wing of the UN? expose-news.com The United Nations is quite possibly the most evil organisation devised by man and the World Health Organisation is its terrorist wing. As such, the WHO is planning to bring a dangerous …

Editor (2023-06-27). How Deeply Does Our Health Care System Discriminate? scheerpost.com

Johanna Kichton (2023-06-27). People's Action Rallies 1000 at America's Health Insurance Plans to Demand Lobby Group Put Care Over Cost. peoplesaction.org People's Action Members from Across the Country Exposed AHIP's Profiteering for Corporate Health Insurers WASHINGTON, D.C. — People's Actions' Care Over Cost campaign today hosted a 1000-person rally at America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) headquarters to demand it and its members put people's health over corporate profit. AHIP's membership includes some of the biggest private health …

Jake Johnson (2023-06-27). Oxfam reveals how rich nations are helping for-profit health industry exploit poor patients. nationofchange.org Development finance institutions run by wealthy countries have fueled "a free-for-all of private greed over public good," the humanitarian group shows in a new report.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Keeping children's teeth healthy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 7-month-old daughter recently got her first tooth. She likes to chew on her teething ring. I want to start good dental habits early and create a routine of brushing her teeth twice a day. When should I introduce a toothbrush so she can get comfortable with it? Do you have any other tips for establishing good oral hygiene early? ANSWER: Dental infections are one of the most common infections in children. Even though…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women should consider screening for breast cancer earlier. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Age recommendations for when women should start yearly mammograms to screen for breast cancer vary. However, Mayo Clinic healthcare professionals have been firm for more than a decade that women should start breast cancer screening at age 40. Starting mammograms early is especially important for non-Hispanic Black women, who have higher rates of breast cancer compared to non-Hispanic white women. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sandhya Pruthi, with Mayo Clinic's Breast Diagnostic Clinic and Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Treating sleep apnea made easier: Upper airway stimulation therapy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A restful night's sleep is more than just rejuvenating, it improves your health, memory and mood. Yet for millions of U.S. adults, restful sleep is elusive because they have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops partially or completely. These events can result in low oxygen levels and cause frequent episodes of waking. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea, and occurs…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). The importance of prioritizing mental health for the LGBTQ+ community. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org People who identify as LGBTQ+ are at greater risk of experiencing mental health conditions, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Jennifer Vencill, a Mayo Clinic psychologist, explains how added stressors can put members of the LGBTQ+ community at higher risk and what steps they can take to prioritize their mental health. Watch: The importance of mental health youtu.be/dHgTkKlmpVU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 39) is in the downloads at…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community: Mayo Clinic expert addresses key topics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Being diagnosed with cancer is a hardship on its own, but it's especially challenging if a person is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Jewel Kling, M.D., director of women's health at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, explains that stigma and discrimination create barriers to healthcare, placing the LGBTQ+ community at heightened risk for certain forms of cancer due to delayed cancer screenings as well as challenges with survivorship care. Increased cancer risks…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-27). Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota announce new pathway program for training nurse-midwives. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences and the University of Minnesota School of Nursing are collaborating to create a new academic pathway for nurse-midwives that will expand the nurse-midwifery workforce in the Upper Midwest. The collaboration creates a pathway for students admitted to the University of Minnesota School of Nursing's Doctor of Nursing Practice program to complete the approximately 1,000 hours of required clinical training at Mayo Clinic hospitals in Minnesota and…

WSWS (2023-06-27). Australian union shuts down industrial action by New South Wales health workers. wsws.org The Health Services Union has given workers no information about what, if any, concessions Labor has offered, but they have been told to stand aside while the union bureaucracy continues to hold backroom meetings with the government.

jamanetwork (2023-06-27). California's State Insurance Gender Nondiscrimination Act and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Surgery. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent study investigated the association of California's 2013 Insurance Gender Nondiscrimination Act and utilization of gender-affirming surgery, with the states of Washington and Arizona serving as controls.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-06-27). Republican plans to cut Social Security draw determined fightback. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Republican renewal of party plans to cut Social Security and Medicare are drawing fire from both retirees and the union representing the agency's workers, who say the GOP is short-staffing the Social Security Administration, too. Both cuts—the benefit cuts threatened by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and the cuts in money needed to add more …

infobrics (2023-06-27). Suicidal attacks, horrendous losses and insubordination plague Kiev regime forces. infobrics.org As the German daily Handelsblatt described it: "This isn't a counteroffensive. It is a bloody crash test."

Drago Bosnic (2023-06-27). Ukraine Forces' Suicidal Attacks: Staggering Losses and Casualties. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-27). Canadian Wildfires and Arson. globalresearch.ca

The Exposé (2023-06-27). The Names & Faces of 150 Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 Pandemic response. expose-news.com Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page …

William Paul (2023-06-27). Putting the Squeeze on Hope: Ford Government Hacks Toronto School Budget. socialistproject.ca One hundred and twenty kids are sitting in the Toronto District School Board's (TDSB) Brookview Middle School auditorium listening to Mohamed Ahmed talk to them about possibility and hope. It's happened this way for a few years as his group, Success Beyond Limits (SBL), makes its pitch to students who are considering high schools in the area like Westview Centennial from which SBL operates its program to guide young people through the tough years of secondary school. It's a time — especially post-COVID, that's fraught with tough personal decisions and the likely realization that opportunity is written wi…

Adam Forrest (2023-06-27). Hancock Says Government More Concerned with Counting Body Bags Than Stopping COVID Spread. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-27). School Buses and City Buses Crashing: COVID-19 Vaccinated Drivers Are Having Medical Emergencies Behind the Wheel, Risking Many Lives! globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). China urges U.S. to stop politicizing COVID-19 origins-tracing. ecns.cn China urges the U.S. to immediately stop politicizing and weaponizing the tracing of the origins of COVID-19, and to stop scapegoating others.

Jordan Schachtel (2023-06-27). How the Flu "Disappeared" During the COVID Era. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-06-26). Covid and Propaganda: China vs the USA. journal-neo.org

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-26). Dr. Denis Rancourt: Covid injections have killed 13 million people worldwide. expose-news.com Dr. Denis Rancourt's research has shown that the vaccination campaign in India caused the deaths of 3.7 million fragile residents. And, "in Western countries, we quantified the average all-ages rate of death …

imperial.ac.uk (2023-06-27). Monitoring British bats can help identify coronaviruses with pathogen potential. imperial.ac.uk Researchers who found novel coronaviruses in UK bats say genetic surveys of the viruses should be regularly conducted.

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