Daily Archives: June 24, 2023

2023-06-24: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). China strives for more measures to facilitate cross-border exchanges. ecns.cn Since China downgraded COVID-19 to a Class-B infectious disease in January, the country has adjusted policies to facilitate cross-border people-to-people exchange, Director-General of the Department of Consular Affairs at the Foreign Ministry Wu Xi told media in Beijing. "ÄÄ…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Science Saturday: Study finds senescent immune cells promote lung tumor growth. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that are among the body's first line of defense against infection. In addition to killing harmful microorganisms, macrophages typically can initiate a response against tumors. However, macrophages, like other cells, can enter a state called senescence, which is linked to aging, disease and multiple physiological problems. When cells become senescent, they stop dividing, but they do not die and are not always eliminated from the body. They…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Reducing the risks of sexually transmitted infections. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to rise the in the U.S and around the globe. The World Health Organization reports more than 1 million new sexually transmitted infections are acquired a day — with the majority of them asymptomatic. Dr. Stacey Rizza, an infectious diseases physician with Mayo Clinic, says there are many reasons for the continued rise in sexually transmitted infections in the last few years. She says educating people is crucial and an important step in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Testicular cancer is highly treatable. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org June is Men's Health Month. It's an opportunity to recognize the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer. The disease is not common. Just 1 in 250 men will develop testicular cancer at some point in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. Most of those cases are in young and middle-aged men. And usually, the cancer is highly treatable. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/PkWz0ZYinzo Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Preventing cancer for future generations of Black families. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The statistics are staggering. Black people are more likely to die from cancer than other racial and ethnic groups. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African Americans have the highest death rate from cancer overall. National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week is June 15—21. Dr. Kim Barbel Johnson, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, says educating patients is essential to reducing and preventing cancer deaths…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Health System now offering Saturday appointments for cervical cancer screening. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org OWATONNA, Minn. — Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women, with the American Cancer Society estimating that almost 14,000 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed in 2023. Of those cases, over 4,000 women will likely die from the disease. Fortunately, precancerous cervical lesions are easy to diagnose with a Pap test, or cervical cancer screening, leading to better outcomes for treatment. But for many women, finding…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Is a cancer clinical trial right for me? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical trials, also known as clinical studies, help medical researchers understand how to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer and other diseases and conditions. Healthcare professionals translate findings from clinical trials into treatments that can lead to longer, healthier lives for people with cancer. Clinical trials are an important option to consider if you're facing a cancer diagnosis. Joining a clinical trial may provide experimental treatment options you may not otherwise have. What is a clinical…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Maximize memory function with a nutrient-rich diet. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research suggests that the ability to maximize memory function may be related to what you eat. Following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and a variety of plant foods rich in phytonutrients could positively affect your health. Phytonutrients are substances found in certain plants that are believed to be beneficial for human health and help prevent certain diseases. There's still much to learn about what makes up a brain-healthy diet. Studies are finding that…

The Lancet (2023-06-24). Editorial] Diabetes: a defining disease of the 21st century. thelancet.com New estimates published this week in The Lancet indicate that more than 1 ∑31 billion people could be living with diabetes by 2050 worldwide. That's 1 ∑31 billion people living with a disease that causes life-altering morbidity, high rates of mortality, and interacts with and exacerbates many other diseases. The increase in prevalence (up from 529 million in 2021) is expected to be driven by increases in type 2 diabetes, which in turn will be caused by a rise in the prevalence of obesity and by demographic shifts.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-23). "Holodomor": A Fact-Based Analysis. libya360.wordpress.com Anton, via Hampton Think Tank In this piece, I will examine the situation in the Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine, 1932—1933, of what is commonly referred to as "Holodomor". "Holodomor" refers to the claim of an "intentional man-made famine-genocide in Ukraine caused by Communist collectivization of the Soviet Union" or often times more specifically, of…

Julie Bowen (2023-06-24). 1 Year After "Dobbs," We Must Build Movements to Defeat Anti-Abortion Extremists. truthout.org It's been one year since Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the ruling that ended federal protections for abortion rights by overturning the almost 50-year precedent of Roe v. Wade. The ruling was the culmination of decades-long work by the anti-abortion right, which has chipped away at abortion access at the state level, lined up "trigger bans" and mobilized to reignite the clinic… |

Joanna Palmer, Jessamy Bagenal, Beth Francis, Maneet Virdi, Chloe Wilson (2023-06-24). Comment] The 2023 Wakley Prize: spotlight themes in The Lancet's bicentenary year. thelancet.com What would Thomas Wakley, who founded The Lancet in 1823, make of medicine today? Progress over the past two centuries has been remarkable. Antiseptics and anaesthetics in surgery, life-saving devices and drugs, childhood and adult immunisation, the development of clinical trials, and digital health care are just a few of the advances that have improved patients' lives. There has also been increased scrutiny of medical power, including medical paternalism, the colonial foundations of global health, the inequities of race-based medicine, and medical misogyny.

Miriam Lewis Sabin (2023-06-24). World Report] How the Denver Principles changed health care for everyone. thelancet.com The Denver Principles, a bill of rights for people living with HIV, was written 40 years ago. Miriam Lewis Sabin, The Lancet's North American Editor, reports from Washington, DC.

Munyaradzi Makoni (2023-06-24). World Report] South Africa passes National Health Insurance Bill. thelancet.com A landmark new law aims to pave the way for universal health coverage. Munyaradzi Makoni reports from Cape Town.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Addressing cancer concerns in the LGBTQ+ community. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org During June, many cities and towns around the U.S. and the world celebrate and raise awareness of the LGBTQ+ community's accomplishments and the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance. When it comes to health, the LGBTQ+ community faces increased cancer concerns. Stigma and discrimination create barriers to health care, placing the LGBTQ+ community at heightened risk for certain forms of cancer. Being aware of cancer risks and finding ways to overcome these challenges can be lifesaving. Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Consumer Health: The lifesaving gift of blood donation. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Blood Donor Day, which is observed Wednesday, June 14, is an effort by the World Health Organization to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their lifesaving gifts of blood. Nearly 16 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S., according to the American Red Cross. Daily needs include 29,000 units of red blood cells, 5,000 units of platelets and 6,500 units of plasma. People…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Keeping children's teeth healthy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 7-month-old daughter recently got her first tooth. She likes to chew on her teething ring. I want to start good dental habits early and create a routine of brushing her teeth twice a day. When should I introduce a toothbrush so she can get comfortable with it? Do you have any other tips for establishing good oral hygiene early? ANSWER: Dental infections are one of the most common infections in children. Even though…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women should consider screening for breast cancer earlier. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Age recommendations for when women should start yearly mammograms to screen for breast cancer vary. However, Mayo Clinic healthcare professionals have been firm for more than a decade that women should start breast cancer screening at age 40. Starting mammograms early is especially important for non-Hispanic Black women, who have higher rates of breast cancer compared to non-Hispanic white women. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sandhya Pruthi, with Mayo Clinic's Breast Diagnostic Clinic and Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Treating sleep apnea made easier: Upper airway stimulation therapy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A restful night's sleep is more than just rejuvenating, it improves your health, memory and mood. Yet for millions of U.S. adults, restful sleep is elusive because they have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops partially or completely. These events can result in low oxygen levels and cause frequent episodes of waking. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea, and occurs…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). The importance of prioritizing mental health for the LGBTQ+ community. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org People who identify as LGBTQ+ are at greater risk of experiencing mental health conditions, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Jennifer Vencill, a Mayo Clinic psychologist, explains how added stressors can put members of the LGBTQ+ community at higher risk and what steps they can take to prioritize their mental health. Watch: The importance of mental health youtu.be/dHgTkKlmpVU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 39) is in the downloads at…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community: Mayo Clinic expert addresses key topics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Being diagnosed with cancer is a hardship on its own, but it's especially challenging if a person is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Jewel Kling, M.D., director of women's health at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, explains that stigma and discrimination create barriers to healthcare, placing the LGBTQ+ community at heightened risk for certain forms of cancer due to delayed cancer screenings as well as challenges with survivorship care. Increased cancer risks…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-24). Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota announce new pathway program for training nurse-midwives. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences and the University of Minnesota School of Nursing are collaborating to create a new academic pathway for nurse-midwives that will expand the nurse-midwifery workforce in the Upper Midwest. The collaboration creates a pathway for students admitted to the University of Minnesota School of Nursing's Doctor of Nursing Practice program to complete the approximately 1,000 hours of required clinical training at Mayo Clinic hospitals in Minnesota and…

Peter Koenig (2023-06-24). Towards Digital Tyranny? Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? globalresearch.ca It's Agenda ID2020 on steroids. It's the worldwide invasion of the QR code — QR coding of everything, all of your most intimate data, health, personal behaviors, habits — track records of where we have been and even where we may be planning to go. Nothing will escape the QR code. Nobody talks about it.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-24). UK MPs must challenge WHO's power and money grab, APPG says. expose-news.com At the beginning of last week, the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group ("APPG") heard how, if adopted, the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International …

Shakshi Priya Giri, Anubhuti Dubey (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Loneliness in the time of COVID-19: an alarming rise. thelancet.com It has been 3 years since WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Globally, WHO reports 764‚Äà474‚Äà387 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and more than 6 ∑9 million deaths at the time of writing this letter. The pandemic has brought about a plethora of health challenges, both physical and mental. Among these challenges, the sense of isolation and loneliness experienced by many people is particularly noteworthy. Consider a scenario where a person was away from home for work purposes but became stranded due to the pandemic.

Tony Kirby (2023-06-24). Perspectives] Paula Rochon: championing the health needs of older women. thelancet.com Paula Rochon's inspiration to improve the lives of older women came partly from her fortunate experience of watching her parents and grandparents enjoy long and healthy lives. In 2021, Rochon founded Women's Age Lab at Women's College Hospital in Toronto, ON, Canada, a research centre focusing on the health and wellbeing of older women. Alongside this work, she is also a Professor of Medicine and Public Health and inaugural RTOERO Chair in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada.

WSWS (2023-06-24). Cornel West's campaign for US president: A pragmatic and bankrupt muddle. wsws.org West's moralistic rhetoric, pragmatic maneuvering and a healthy dose of showmanship add up, when all is accounted for, to a vast pragmatic muddle.

Chris Walker (2023-06-23). Biden Issues Executive Order Seeking to Improve Access to Birth Control. truthout.org President Joe Biden plans to sign an executive order on Friday directing various departments in his administration to consider new rules to bolster protections for reproductive rights, specifically access to contraception. The order comes nearly a year after the Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health to overturn abortion protections previously established in Roe v. Wade… |

Chris Walker (2023-06-23). Judge Blocks FL's Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Residents on Medicaid. truthout.org A federal judge in Florida has overturned a state law and executive branch administrative action that barred the use of Medicaid funds to pay for gender-affirming health care for transgender residents. The ruling, issued by U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle on Wednesday, was largely expected, given that Hinkle had ruled similarly in a case earlier this month that focused on gender-affirming health… |

Andrew Perez (2023-06-23). Fauci Meets The Health Insurance Lobbyists. levernews.com

Fight Back (2023-06-23). East LA McDonald's workers strike, demand justice for Berta Montes! fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – Workers at a local McDonald's went on strike June 9, as part of a weeklong struggle by employees to bring to light the heinous working conditions they have been forced to endure. The strikers called for an end to harassment from management, for union representation, and justice for Berta Montes, a McDonald's employee whose death many coworkers attribute to management's negligence and overall lack of interest in their worker's health and safety. | According to her coworkers, Berta Montes was feeling sick at work one day. When she asked her manager if she could be allowed to go…

Isaac Nellist (2023-06-23). Health solutions, not taxes, are needed reduce tobacco addiction. greenleft.org.au Budget measures to raise the tax on tobacco products are supposedely about "harm minimisation" and discouraging smoking, in fact it's another attack on the poor. Isaac Nellist reports.

Julio Adamor (2023-06-23). Inequality must be "priority" in climate change discussion, says Lula in Paris. peoplesdispatch.org President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made an impromptu speech during the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, on June 23, in Paris. In addition to discussing the key topics for Brazilian diplomacy, such as deforestation, global warming, and the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, he defended the importance of fighting inequality. | "It is not possible that in a meeting with so many presidents of important countries, the word inequality does not appear. Inequality in salary, race, gender, education, health," the president listed, sitting to the right of the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, wh…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-23). Joe Biden to sign executive order to expand birth control access. plenglish.com The order is part of the administration's efforts to promote reproductive health care and comes one day ahead of the first anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. | It will also be the administration's only policy response to mark the anniversary, according to The Hill. | The order directs the secretaries of the Treasury and Labor Departments, as well as Health and Human Services (HHS), to consider new steps related to birth control, such as ensuring private health insurance covers all contraceptives either approved, cleared or granted by the Food and Drug Administration. | In all 50…

teleSUR (2023-06-23). Paraguay Registers Increase In Number Of New HIV Diagnoses. telesurenglish.net Paraguay's Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare reported Friday that the country has registered an increase in the number of new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnoses in the last year. | RELATED: | 1,519 new HIV diagnoses were identified in 2022, mostly men, of which 495 were categorized as AIDS, the ministry said, citing a report by the National HIV/Aids/STI Control Program (PRONAAIDS) on the epi…

Editor (2023-06-23). Insurance industry refuses policies to those most in need as climate change unfolds. mronline.org State Farm recently announced that it is halting new insurance policies for homeowners in the state of California, where the agency is currently the top insurance provider, due to rising "catastrophe exposure" coupled with inflating construction costs.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-06-23). "Human rights" vs the Rights of Humanity. podcasters.spotify.com In this episode, we talk about how frequent it is conveyed that the most important thing to humankind are these vague notions of human rights. Yet as Dr. Fidel Castro told us many times, there is a difference between human rights and the rights of humanity. There can be no discussion of human rights in the name of billions who live without so much as a piece of bread. There can be no discussion of human rights in the world plagued with destructive and imperialist wars. It is the rights of humanity, which must be discussed, that demand an end to all colonial, imperialist, and capitalist wars. And it can only be th…

Larry Johnson (2023-06-23). Solving Audio glitches With Judge Napolitano and Ukraine's Clone Problem. sonar21.com I think I found a temporary solution to the video glitches that have plagued some of my appearances on various podcasts. I moved to a different room, closer to the…

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-23). 41-Year-Old Model and Hollywood Actress Katerina Pavelek Ended Her Life at an Assisted Suicide Clinic in Basel, Switzerland on June 17, 2023, Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Injuries (ME, CFS, ALS). globalresearch.ca

Anthony Pelosi (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Disrespectful language about patients with long COVID. thelancet.com In the March Editorial, The Lancet stated that "Because of long COVID's [also known as post-COVID-19 condition] diverse symptomatology, reliance on self-reported symptoms, and a lack of diagnostic tests and consensus definition, many patients struggle to obtain a definitive diagnosis. As a result, long COVID is often easily dismissed as a psychosomatic condition. Given what we now know about the effects of long COVID and its biological basis, it must be taken seriously."1 Although this was surely not the intention, this statement is deeply offensive.

Editor (2023-06-24). Canadian sanctions on Russia: Powerless rage with a boomerang effect. mronline.org Canada's recent seizure of a Russian an-124 cargo plane, which had been delivering COVID supplies when it was grounded in February 2022 at Pearson Airport (it was forced to pay a fee for every minute, despite being trapped there), is another sanction among many others.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-24). Covid Related News: The information and biological war continues. expose-news.com There are those who blindly follow orders and those who dare to think critically. In the covid era, the amount of misleading and downright false information emitted by "official" sources is remarkable …

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