Daily Archives: June 3, 2023

2023-06-03: News Headlines

Amy Rogers, Isla S Mackenzie, Thomas M MacDonald, Alexander S F Doney (2023-06-03). Correspondence] The PREPARE study: benefits of pharmacogenetic testing are unclear. thelancet.com Jesse J Swen and colleagues report the findings of the Pre-emptive Pharmacogenomic Testing for Preventing Adverse Drug Reactions (PREPARE) study, a large multicentre cluster-randomised study of pharmacogenomic panel testing to prevent adverse drug reactions.1 The primary reported outcome suggests an impressive reduction in clinically relevant adverse drug reactions in participants with identified actionable test results.

Jesse J Swen, Lisanne E N Manson, Stefan Bà∂hringer, Munir Pirmohamed, Henk-Jan Guchelaar (2023-06-03). Correspondence] The PREPARE study: benefits of pharmacogenetic testing are unclear — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Amy Rogers and colleagues, David Curtis, and Lorenz Van der Linden for their interest in and comments on our Article.1 Pre-emptive Pharmacogenomic Testing for Preventing Adverse Drug Reactions (PREPARE) was an implementation study that investigated the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of panel-based pharmacogenetic testing in a real-world setting across seven different health-care systems. Although we agree that in general a double-blind design is preferable, it is inappropriate with an implementation study,2 since masking of patients and health-care providers does not allow assessment of th…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-03). Covid Related News: The threat is not Russia or China; it's Big Pharma and Big Tech. expose-news.com Below is a collection of articles from the last few days which you may have missed. They detail fears of covid cover-ups, an admission that "zero" healthy young Israelis died from covid, …

Brett Wilkins (2023-06-02). Like tobacco and Big Oil, secret docs show chemical companies knew PFAS dangers. nationofchange.org "The industry used several strategies that have been shown common to tobacco, pharmaceutical, and other industries to influence science and regulation—most notably, suppressing unfavorable research and distorting public discourse."

Staff (2023-06-02). A Sweetheart Deal for the Sacklers: Billionaires Get Immunity from Civil Lawsuits over Opioid Crisis. democracynow.org A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that members of the Sackler family can receive immunity from all current and future civil litigation related to their role in creating and fueling the opioid epidemic. The billionaire Sacklers own Purdue Pharma, maker of the highly addictive opioid OxyContin. The legal shield could lead to a settlement in the range of $6 billion for thousands of plaintiffs, including states, local governments and tribes. Opioid overdoses have killed over 500,000 people in the U.S. over the past two decades, according to the CDC. For more, we speak with Ed Bisch, founder of the group Relati…

Amy Goodman (2023-06-02). Billionaire Sackler Family Gets Immunity From Civil Lawsuits Over Opioid Crisis. truthout.org A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that members of the Sackler family can receive immunity from all current and future civil litigation related to their role in creating and fueling the opioid epidemic. The billionaire Sacklers own Purdue Pharma, maker of the highly addictive opioid OxyContin. The legal shield could lead to a settlement in the range of $6 billion for thousands of plaintiffs… |

teleSUR (2023-06-02). Haiti Cholera Outbreak Leaves More Than 700 Dead. telesurenglish.net The Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population said in its latest report that the cholera outbreak that broke out in October last year has now left a death toll of 704. | RELATED: | According to the official balance sheet published Thursday, a total of 40,139 hospitalizations ( 2,835 confirmed cases) have been recorded since the beginning of the outbreak, with an average age of those admitted being 17 years old. | Th…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Consumer Health: Preventing osteoporosis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, which makes this a good time to learn what you can do to prevent this bone disease. Osteoporosis affects approximately 10 million people in the U.S., 80% of whom are women, according to the Office on Women's Health. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses, such as bending over or coughing, can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic doctor visits of the future could be powered by 'omics' research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org To glimpse the future of medicine, step inside Mayo Clinic's cutting-edge Center for Individualized Medicine. There, physicians, researchers, data scientists, artificial intelligence engineers and bioethicists are working side-by-side to investigate massive "omics" data sets. The innovative approach is the result of thousands of patients who are participating in omics-related research studies and clinical trials. The multidisciplinary teams are in pursuit of discovering hidden biological signatures and patterns of diseases, including cancer. Their hope and expectations are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Consumer Health: Bladder cancer — risk factors and prevention. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the risk factors for bladder cancer and what you can do to prevent it. More than 82,000 new cases of bladder cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2023, and more than 16,000 people will die of the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. Bladder cancer occurs in men more frequently than in women, and the risk increases with age,…

Sandeep B Maharaj, Darleen Y Franco, Terence AR Seemungal (2023-06-03). Correspondence] Not allowed to speak—another let-down for the Caribbean people. thelancet.com It is rather disappointing and somewhat sad that The Lancet can have a Commission on racism, structural discrimination, and global health and not have a single commissioner from the Caribbean. The entire region was born out of colonisation by people who felt entitled to take land that belonged to the indigenous people and almost wiped them off the face of the planet, either violently, or via one of the first massive global health transfers of disease (especially smallpox).1…

Mengying Wang, Matthew Sperrin, Martin K Rutter, Andrew G Renehan (2023-06-03). Correspondence] Cancer is becoming the leading cause of death in diabetes. thelancet.com In their Seminar on type 2 diabetes, Ehtasham Ahmad and colleagues1 highlighted the current and future global burden of disease and correctly stated that the increased risk of premature death from this chronic condition is mainly driven through the detrimental effects on vascular integrity. Accordingly, many national guidelines recommend secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Melanie J Davies, Ehtasham Ahmad, Soo Lim, Roberta Lamptey, David R Webb (2023-06-03). Correspondence] Cancer is becoming the leading cause of death in diabetes — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Mengying Wang and colleagues for their very insightful comments on our Seminar on type 2 diabetes.1 They have drawn our attention to the fact that cancer is, or is predicted to become, the leading cause of diabetes-related death in the coming years, overtaking cardiovascular disease. We acknowledge that cancer rates are rising in people with type 2 diabetes. Indeed, in January, 2023, our team at Leicester Diabetes Research Centre published data demonstrating a transition from cardiovascular disease to cancer deaths in type 2 diabetes.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-03). 60 years of Cuban medical solidarity. peoplesdispatch.org As of May 2022, 605,000 health workers from Cuba have served in 165 countries and have dealt with emergency programs for the response to infectious disease, relief work after hurricanes and earthquakes and provision of primary health care…

Lawyer Lisa (2023-06-03). Bombshell "Leaked" Pfizer "Confidential Report": "Trading in Death and Disease". 393 Pages of Vaccine "Adverse Events" globalresearch.ca

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-03). WHO poses a bigger threat to the world than a pandemic of any disease. expose-news.com At a conference held in Norway, Swiss Attorney at Law Philipp Kruse spoke about the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") ambition to establish new rules for its own nefarious purposes. For his presentation, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic researchers link environmental exposures to liver disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic researchers have identified a diverse range of environmental chemicals in human bile in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis, a rare, chronic liver disease of the bile ducts. The study, published in Exposome, represents a new frontier of research at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine that explores the exposome, the measure of environmental contributors to disease and health. Most people with primary sclerosing cholangitis also have some type of inflammatory bowel disease, such…

_____ (2023-06-02). U.S. Senator Graham is a Buffoon, But His Despicable War-Reveling is Symptomatic of Sinister Western Disease. strategic-culture.org Lindsey Graham is of course a shame on the United States. The fact that Graham's pernicious and disgraceful remarks barely caused any criticism from Western governments or media illustrates just how endemic and "normalized" is their Russophobia. | It would be easy to dismiss American Senator Lindsey Graham for the buffoon that he undoubtedly is. His whining high-pitched voice is compensated by his affected macho talk and habitual hawkish support for U.S. militarism. There's never been a war that the South Carolina Republican doesn't enthusiastically support, like a giddy schoolgirl in a cheerleader go-go troupe.

Melanie J Davies, Ehtasham Ahmad, Soo Lim, Roberta Lamptey, David R Webb (2023-06-03). Correspondence] Cancer is becoming the leading cause of death in diabetes — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Mengying Wang and colleagues for their very insightful comments on our Seminar on type 2 diabetes.1 They have drawn our attention to the fact that cancer is, or is predicted to become, the leading cause of diabetes-related death in the coming years, overtaking cardiovascular disease. We acknowledge that cancer rates are rising in people with type 2 diabetes. Indeed, in January, 2023, our team at Leicester Diabetes Research Centre published data demonstrating a transition from cardiovascular disease to cancer deaths in type 2 diabetes.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-03). 60 years of Cuban medical solidarity. peoplesdispatch.org As of May 2022, 605,000 health workers from Cuba have served in 165 countries and have dealt with emergency programs for the response to infectious disease, relief work after hurricanes and earthquakes and provision of primary health care…

Lawyer Lisa (2023-06-03). Bombshell "Leaked" Pfizer "Confidential Report": "Trading in Death and Disease". 393 Pages of Vaccine "Adverse Events" globalresearch.ca

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-03). WHO poses a bigger threat to the world than a pandemic of any disease. expose-news.com At a conference held in Norway, Swiss Attorney at Law Philipp Kruse spoke about the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") ambition to establish new rules for its own nefarious purposes. For his presentation, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic researchers link environmental exposures to liver disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic researchers have identified a diverse range of environmental chemicals in human bile in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis, a rare, chronic liver disease of the bile ducts. The study, published in Exposome, represents a new frontier of research at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine that explores the exposome, the measure of environmental contributors to disease and health. Most people with primary sclerosing cholangitis also have some type of inflammatory bowel disease, such…

_____ (2023-06-02). U.S. Senator Graham is a Buffoon, But His Despicable War-Reveling is Symptomatic of Sinister Western Disease. strategic-culture.org Lindsey Graham is of course a shame on the United States. The fact that Graham's pernicious and disgraceful remarks barely caused any criticism from Western governments or media illustrates just how endemic and "normalized" is their Russophobia. | It would be easy to dismiss American Senator Lindsey Graham for the buffoon that he undoubtedly is. His whining high-pitched voice is compensated by his affected macho talk and habitual hawkish support for U.S. militarism. There's never been a war that the South Carolina Republican doesn't enthusiastically support, like a giddy schoolgirl in a cheerleader go-go troupe.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-06-02). People's Health Tribunal Finds Shell and Total Energy Guilty of Harming African Communities. towardfreedom.org During a People's Health Tribunal, environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored extractive corporations in Africa for exploiting natural resources and for sowing poverty and disease. Peoples Health Dispatch reports.

Asad Ismi (2023-06-03). Sri Lanka's Neoliberal Nightmare, Widespread Famine Triggered by Covid-19 Lockdown and an Unpayable External Debt. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Consumer Health: What's the difference between heartburn and GERD? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heartburn — that burning pain in your chest after eating certain foods or when you lie down in the evening — is a common complaint and usually no cause for alarm. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. Most people can manage the discomfort of heartburn on their own with lifestyle changes, including maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). What's the best nonhormonal therapy for hot flashes? Experts release new menopause therapy guidelines. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org New guidelines around the use of nonhormonal therapy for hot flashes — or vasomotor symptoms— due to menopause have been released by the North American Menopause Society. Dr. Juliana Kling, a women's health specialist at Mayo Clinic and one of the authors of the new guidelines, says, "The new guidelines include a review of the newest (Food and Drug Administration) FDA-approved medications as well as other medications and other treatments, like clinical hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, discussion…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Staying healthy and safe during a hurricane or other severe weather. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The Mid-Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and ends Nov. 30. Various reports indicate the 2023 season will be an active one. The National Hurricane Center says it is anticipating at least 15 named storms, with at least three reaching significant status. Taking time to prepare in advance of severe weather can help reduce stress and ensure personal safety and well-being when a storm does arise. "Past experiences show it can take one storm to have…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: What women need to know about stroke. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Stroke is a medical emergency. The faster you get treatment, the better your chances are of recovering. May is Stroke Awareness Month to raise awareness about stroke prevention and treatment. It's also Women's Health Awareness Month. Mayo Clinic experts say women with stroke symptoms should not delay seeking treatment. They say some women don't realize the symptoms could be life-threatening, and don't get the care they need in time. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/5Pzg7VzL0_E

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). From lift off to splash down: An update on Mayo Clinic stem cells in space. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's been six years since Mayo Clinic physician Abba Zubair, M.D., Ph.D., watched stem cells from his regenerative medicine laboratory blast into space as part of a research effort to see if zero gravity would help the cells multiply faster. Approximately 15 million people worldwide experience a stroke annually, according to the World Health Organization. Currently, stroke remains a top cause of death and disability in the world. Finding new therapies for stroke is important…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the skinny on weight-loss drugs? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Want to lose weight? It's really just basic math. Burn more calories than you take in. The best way to do that is by eating a healthy diet — reducing your calorie intake — and being physically active, which increases the number of calories burned. While it appears to be simple, many people find it challenging to effectively lose weight and keep the pounds off. Now, Mayo Clinic experts say there is a new tool…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Tonsils: Tiny, but pack a big punch. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The tonsils play an essential role in keeping you healthy. These small, oval-shaped pads at the back of the throat are part of the immune system and make white blood cells. These cells attack and prevent germs that enter your body and making you sick. While small in size, the tonsils can cause considerable pain and discomfort if inflamed. This inflammation is called tonsillitis and typically is due to a viral infection, although bacterial infections…

The Lancet (2023-06-03). Editorial] Targeting health care in conflict: the need to end impunity. thelancet.com On the morning of May 26, a Russian missile destroyed Dnipropetrovsk City Hospital No 14 in Dnipro, Ukraine, killing at least two people and injuring more than 30. Later that same day, the BBC reported that attacks on medical facilities and staff in Sudan might constitute war crimes. As described in a World Report, such attacks continue in Sudan, including most recently the looting and occupation of centres run by Médecins Sans Frontières, denying Sudanese civilians much needed medical care. From the deliberate targeting of hospitals in Syria and the destruction of the health system in Yemen, to the arrest and ab…

Jacqui Thornton (2023-06-03). World Report] Attacks on health care continue in Sudan. thelancet.com Medical centres have been occupied and medicines and supplies looted during the conflict in Sudan. Jacqui Thornton reports.

Sharmila Devi (2023-06-03). World Report] Brain drain laws spark debate over health worker retention. thelancet.com Bills in Nigeria and Zimbabwe are attempting to limit emigration of medics. Sharmila Devi reports.

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-06-03). Perspectives] Confronting the past. thelancet.com Violence against women continues to be reported globally and it is partly rooted in gender inequality, patriarchy, and misogyny. Women are over six times more likely to experience sexual assault than men and an estimated one in three women in England and Wales experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated domestic abuse and nearly 1 ∑7 million cases were recorded in England and Wales in the year ending March, 2022. Intimate partner violence can have impacts on mental health, substance use, and experience of prison.

Geoff Watts (2023-06-03). Obituary] Elizabeth Murray. thelancet.com General practitioner and pioneer in e-health. She was born in London, UK, on Feb 8, 1960 and died of breast cancer in Battle, UK, on April 7, 2023 aged 63 years.

Arnaud Chiolero (2023-06-03). Correspondence] Permacrisis: be wary of public health catastrophism. thelancet.com "The horror is that for the first time we live in a world in which we can no longer imagine a better one", said Theodor Adorno, 1956 (in an Offline by Richard Horton).1 Like other fortune tellers and doomsday preachers, it is reassuring to see how wrong he was.

WHO Watch Team (2023-06-03). Activists demand better scrutiny of Israeli occupation's impact on health of Palestinians. peoplesdispatch.org The recently concluded 76th World Health Assembly discussed health conditions in Palestine, which are continuously deteriorating because of the Israeli occupation. Activists suggested that WHO should utilize its documentation of attacks against civilians, healthcare facilities, and humanitarian actors to make serious referrals to the International Criminal Court…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-03). ILWU Local 52 Gabriel Prawl On Firings In Seattle, Growing Anger & West Coast Work Action. indybay.org ILWU longshore workers are facing direct union busting by the PMA and shipping bosses. In Seattle a walkout took place after longshore workers worked to health and safety rules. Seattle Local 52 past president Gabriel Prawl talks about the conditions that are developing on the docks and why anger is growing among ILWU members.

Peter Koenig (2023-06-03). Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO's Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! globalresearch.ca

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-03). Jamie Foxx left paralysed and blind after covid injection, says independent journalist. expose-news.com During a recent episode of Ask Dr. Drew A.J. Benza, New York City's most celebrated gossip columnist in the 1990s, discussed Jamie Foxx and other celebrities who have faced unusual health issues …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: How much screen time is too much time for your kids? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org How much screen time is too much for a child? Is digital media affecting your child's health? The surgeon general has issued a new advisory, citing growing concerns about the effects of social media use on the mental health of young people. Dr. Nusheen Ameenuddin is a Mayo Clinic pediatrician and a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics. While there are many benefits to technology, she says it also can affect children and teens in negative ways,…

Editor (2023-06-03). World Health Assembly: The world should be more like Cuba. mronline.org The world is still suffering from the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Inflation, supply chain crises, and shortages of medicines and basic goods continue to affect most of the world's countries, especially those less developed and besieged by the major powers, such as Cuba, but this is not news.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-06-03). Government of Nicaragua congratulates Raul Castro on his birthday. plenglish.com "We send you an infinite hug on your 92nd birthday, serious words, how serious has been your life of dedication and commitment to a free homeland and a burning heart," the message from the Sandinista Government says. | The text, signed by President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, expresses satisfaction with knowing that Raul is healthy and strong, full of his people's spirit, that of Fidel Castro, the heroic Cuban Revolution, his family and the "indelible memory of our dear Vilma." | "Have a great day, another day of victories, because Raul is advancing, and because unity, fraternity and solida…

teleSUR (2023-06-02). Venezuela Records The Hottest Year In Its History. telesurenglish.net The Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, said this Friday that Venezuela is experiencing the hottest year in its history as a consequence of the effects of climate change. | RELATED: | According to the president, the country "has been registering up to 4 degrees Celsius above average, we are having the hottest year in the history of Venezuela." | In the framework of a working meeting on the progress of the Communal-Military Education and Health Brigades, Maduro said he was "very concerned about the a…

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2023-06-02). CovertAction Bulletin: Culture Wars, U.S. Imperialism & Pride Month. covertactionmagazine.com Pride month is here in the U.S. It's a time for LGBTQ people to celebrate, to build community, to honor our elders, and to continue the tradition of protest for recognition, safety and equal rights. In the face of "don't say gay" laws, book bans, street harassment, attacks on trans athletes and drag shows and laws targeting trans healthcare and even families who provide gender-affirming care for trans children, Pride has a stronger meaning and spirit behind it this year…

Nazz Aboutabl (2023-06-02). People's Action: Fake Debt Crisis Fueled Same Old Greed-Driven Agenda. peoplesaction.org WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action today released the following statement from Executive Director Sulma Arias in response to the debt ceiling deal passed by Congress to end Republican hostage-taking during negotiations: "We are fighting for stronger, healthier communities in which everyone has what they need to thrive, regardless of race, ZIP code, or background. We will not …

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-06-02). The Brazil we want, with health for all! peoplesdispatch.org As Brazil re-embraces democratic values, one of the key priorities reactivated from…

Fight Back (2023-06-02). Milwaukee: Union workers at Master Lock rally to save their jobs. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of May 31, nearly 100 union members and their supporters gathered outside the entrance to the Master Lock factory on Milwaukee's North Side to call on the company to keep the plant open. The rally came in response to a sudden announcement that the shop was going to be closed, a course of action that will leave more than 400 people out of work. A number of other unions were represented by the different participants at the rally and picket, including United Steel Workers, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, and others.

Staff (2023-06-02). Rep. Ro Khanna Says Sen. Dianne Feinstein Should "Step Down with Dignity" democracynow.org Dianne Feinstein returned to the Senate last month after a prolonged absence due to poor health and as questions continue to grow about her fitness for office. Feinstein said she would resume her duties with a lighter schedule, but the 89-year-old senator is reportedly suffering from mental decline that leaves her heavily reliant on her aides. Congressmember Ro Khanna of California is among a growing number of Democrats who have called on Feinstein to retire. "The reality is that she's not able to do the job," says Khanna. "She just has a staff that's running everything, and it&#8217…

Dr. William Makis (2023-06-02). Bad Batches ("Hot Lots") of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: 4.2% of Pfizer Vaccine Doses Are Deadly, But What About the Rest? globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-06-02). Selected Articles: "DNA Contamination" in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Businesses benefit from series of tax, fee cuts. ecns.cn With businesses in China rebounding from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since the start of this year, the nation's economic growth has accelerated.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-06-03). Elogian en EE.UU. estrategia cubana de vacunación anticovid. telesurtv.net Cuba produjo, como parte de su estrategia nacional de vacunación, cinco preparados, de los cuales tres han sido registrados allí y en varios países del mundo.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-06-03). AMLO destaca recuperación económica de México tras Covid-19. telesurtv.net Respecto al Producto Interno Bruto, López Obrador aseveró que se pronostica crezca un cuatro por ciento este año.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Chinese scientist refutes BBC report on COVID lab leak. ecns.cn Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Microbiology, has questioned the legitimacy of a BBC report which quoted him as saying that the COVID lab leak theory has not been ruled out.

WSWS (2023-06-02). Hundreds of Amazon workers walk out at company's Seattle, Washington headquarters. wsws.org Amazon staff were protesting the company's forced return to in-person work amid the continuing coronavirus pandemic and its lack of genuine policies toward climate change.

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