(2023-01-29). CDC releases latest COVID-19 info. The Chinese mainland reported 215,958 COVID-19 hospitalizations and 26,156 in critical conditions as of Thursday, according to a Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control release on Saturday.
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Can blood donors suffer iron deficiency? With the constant need for blood and platelet donations, frequent, regular blood donors are crucial to having a continuous national blood supply. Across Mayo Clinic in Rochester, for example, anywhere between 50 and 70 units of red cells and between 20 and 30 units of platelets are used daily to help save lives. Watch: Dr. Justin Juskewitch discusses red blood cell donation Journalists: Broadcast-quality video is available in the downloads at the end of… (2023-01-29). CDC releases latest COVID-19 info. The Chinese mainland reported 215,958 COVID-19 hospitalizations and 26,156 in critical conditions as of Thursday, according to a Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control release on Saturday.
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Can blood donors suffer iron deficiency? With the constant need for blood and platelet donations, frequent, regular blood donors are crucial to having a continuous national blood supply. Across Mayo Clinic in Rochester, for example, anywhere between 50 and 70 units of red cells and between 20 and 30 units of platelets are used daily to help save lives. Watch: Dr. Justin Juskewitch discusses red blood cell donation Journalists: Broadcast-quality video is available in the downloads at the end of…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Consumer Health: Why your child's weight matters. Healthy Weight Week will be observed Jan. 15—21, so this is a good time for a reminder of the connection between weight and health during childhood. The prevalence of obesity in adults in the U.S. increased from 30.5% to 41.9% from 1999—2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2% in the same time frame. And the rate of childhood obesity is a serious…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Consumer Health: Cervical cancer and HPV — what's the connection? January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the connection between HPV and cervical cancer. Approximately 13,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S., and 4,000 women die of the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hispanic women have the highest rates of developing cervical cancer, while African American women are at greatest risk of dying from this cancer. Early-stage cervical cancer generally produces…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Science Saturday: Removal of both ovaries in younger women associated with increased risk of Parkinson's. Surgical removal of both ovaries is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in women younger than 43, Mayo Clinic researchers report in JAMA Network Open. Using health record data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, the study included 2,750 women who had undergone surgery to remove both ovaries, a procedure called bilateral oophorectomy, and 2,749 who had not. The reasons for the surgery were either a benign (noncancerous) condition — such as endometriosis, cyst, or other reason —…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart health and dangers of shoveling snow. Shoveling and digging out after a heavy snowfall can be a good workout for most people; but for those with heart disease, shoveling is best left for others to do. Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist says she encourages exercising but the combination of cold weather and strenuous exercise puts extra strain on your heart, and can trigger a heart attack. Watch: Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 08) is in the…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Mayo Clinic Minute: Role for opioids. Drug overdoses from opioids have been linked to a decreased life span, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The ongoing opioid crisis has been a complicated one for more than a decade. Death rates continue to rise, despite national medical guidelines for prescribing the pain medication. Dr. Holly Geyer leads the opioid stewardship program at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. She says there is an important role for opioids in patient… (2023-01-29). Herd immunity impedes spread of COVID-19 in China: expert. With most people in China having been infected with COVID-19, herd immunity has been reached and the transmission ability of the epidemic gradually weakens, said Fang Bangjiang, a doctor from Longhua Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on Friday. (2023-01-29). WHO considers 'global emergency' status. The World Health Organization's emergency committee was due to meet on Friday to evaluate whether the COVID-19 pandemic still represents a global emergency.
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Consumer Health: What happens if your thyroid is too active or not active enough? January is Thyroid Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more how important it is that your thyroid functions properly. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. It produces hormones that regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight. When your thyroid isn't functioning properly, whether it's too active or not active enough, all these functions are affected. Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, occurs when your…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Menopause symptoms: Mayo Clinic expert outlines hormone and nonhormonal therapies. SCOTTSDALE, Arizona — Menopause, the end of menstrual cycles, can produce symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and mood changes. Women do not need to suffer in silence: Many treatment options are available. Jewel Kling, M.D., chair of the Division of Women's Health at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, describes hormonal and nonhormonal therapies. "We sometimes hear the question, 'Do I need to treat hot flashes or night sweats?' and the answer for…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-29). Mayo Clinic Hospitals named America's Best Hospitals by Healthgrades. Healthgrades, an independent health ratings company, ranked the performance of nearly 4,500 hospitals in overall clinical excellence. Mayo Clinic hospitals in Arizona, Florida, Rochester, Eau Claire and Mankato were named among America's Best Hospitals. Mayo Clinic hospitals in Arizona, Florida and Rochester were named among America's 50 Best Hospitals by Healthgrades, an independent health care ratings company. In addition, Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota, was included in the 100 Best list and Mayo… (2023-01-29). They Say: Fake news attemps to make people forget China's contribution to the global COVID-19 fight.
teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-01-29). Costa Rica registra 3.805 casos de Covid-19 en la última semana. De acuerdo a datos del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica 16 personas perecieron en la última semana por causas asociadas a la Covid-19. (2023-01-29). 2 domestically developed oral COVID drugs granted conditional market approval: NMPA.
Paul Haeder (2023-01-28). If We Ever Needed George Carlin.
So, there are no other ways to look at the lab-generated, multivariant SARS-2 than through the lens of mass murdering complicit media and the charlatans of propaganda, all in the employ of billionaires, millionaires and high income folks in this Big Pharma-Big Medicine-Big Feat triage of destruction? Who the hell with a normal-functioning mind believes …
Ralph Nader (2023-01-28). Drug Price Showdown Time for Chairman Bernie Sanders. It is showdown time. Senator Bernie Sanders, new chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee versus Big Pharma. The self-described "democratic socialist" from a safe seat in Vermont has long been a Big Pharma nemesis. He has issued detailed critiques of what others have called a "Pay or Die" industry coddled by …
Staff (2023-01-28). Time for a Showdown With Big Pharma: Chairman Sanders vs. Sky-High Drug Prices.
It is showdown time. Senator Bernie Sanders, new chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee versus Big Pharma. The self-described "democratic socialist" from a safe seat in Vermont has long been a Big Pharma nemesis. He has issued detailed critiques of what others have called a "Pay or Die" industry coddled by …
Daniela Manno (2023-01-28). [Comment] Developing a vaccine against Marburg virus disease. Marburg virus disease is a severe infection in people and non-human primates (NHPs), with a case-fatality rate of 23—90%.1 The disease is caused by the Marburg virus, a member of the Filoviridae family, which includes the viruses responsible for Ebola virus disease.1 Marburg virus disease is extremely rare. Since its discovery in 1967, when two outbreaks occurred simultaneously in laboratories in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), causing 31 cases and seven deaths, there have been 16 known outbreaks with a cumulative total of fewer than 500 reported cases.
Geoff Watts (2023-01-28). [Obituary] Thomas Wilson Meade. Epidemiologist and authority on thrombogenesis and heart disease. He was born in Oxford, UK, on Jan 21, 1936 and died of a lower respiratory tract infection in London, UK, on Oct 24, 2022 aged 86 years.
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Screening for cervical cancer. January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that more than 12,500 cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed, and more than 4,000 women died from the disease in 2019, the latest year of available data. Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist, explains the importance of screening for cervical cancer. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-28). Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert explains why reflux disease isn't 'just' heartburn. LONDON — Gastroesophageal reflux disease is one of the most common digestive disorders in the world. It happens when acid comes up from the stomach into the esophagus: The stomach can resist acid but the esophagus is less acid-resistant. James East, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, says reflux disease may be common, but there can be severe complications if it is ongoing and left untreated. Heartburn is a key symptom of reflux disease, but…
newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-28). 6 tips to keep your brain healthy. Changes to your body and brain are normal as you age. However, there are some things you can do to help slow any decline in memory and lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Here are six things I recommend to my patients in order of importance: 1. Exercise regularly. Exercise has many known benefits, and regular physical activity also benefits the brain. Multiple research studies show that physical active people are…
WSWS (2023-01-28). Outbreak of avian flu has killed more than 100 million birds and poses a serious threat of becoming a human pandemic. Since October 2021, the spread of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian flu among birds in North America and Europe has killed more than 140 million poultry and wild birds through disease and culling. The spread of the virus at a mink farm in Spain raises immediate concern about the nature of the mutation the current clade of the virus possesses and its threat to human populations.
Dan Fein (2023-01-28). Chicago university faculty strike for six days, win student support. CHICAGO — Nearly 900 faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago struck Jan. 17, demanding pay raises to keep up with inflation, job security and expanded mental health support for students. They are members of UIC United Faculty, an affiliate of the Illinois Teachers Union, and were working without a contract since August. | The union is requesting that students get access to free evaluations for learning disabilities, a benefit that students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign already receive, and free psychological and neuropsychological testing. Students have been picketing and joinin…
Dan Fein (2023-01-28). Ingredion workers win contract after six-month strike. CHICAGO — "I'm glad we stayed strong because we ended up with a lot better contract," bakery worker Elaine Sweiger told the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Sweiger was one of 122 members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 100G who struck for 175 days at Ingredion's Iowa plant. Union members approved a new contract Jan. 22. | Workers need unions and "a decent wage and a work-life balance," Sweiger said. Bosses had demanded a schedule of 14 days straight of 12-hour shifts, higher health premiums, job cuts and ending overtime pay after eight hours. | Union members "went out together and al…
Arnaud Chiolero (2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Let research guide teaching in medical and public health. The pre-eminence of research over teaching in academic activity might be considered as an inheritance from the Enlightenment and, in the past few decades, from evidence-based medicine. Within this framework, teaching is secondary to research because the former is built, at least in part, on the latter. If teaching outweighs research,1 you might leave space for politics and beliefs, if not religion.
Brittani Banks (2023-01-28). Americans Want Government-Run Health Care—What's Standing in the Way? Here's one of many indicators about how broken the United States health care system is: Guns seem to be easier and cheaper to access than treatment for the wounds they cause. A survivor of the recent mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, California, reportedly said to Gov. Gavin Newsom that he needed to keep his … (2023-01-28). Consumers give economy festive boost. Chinese consumers splurged during the Spring Festival holiday, not only on things like duty-free commodities, jewelry and health-related products, but also on experiences such as travel and entertainment, fueled by the optimization of COVID-19 prevention and control measures, industry experts said. (2023-01-28). U.S. and EU to launch first-of-its-kind AI agreement. The U.S. and European Union on Friday announced an agreement to speed up and enhance the use of artificial intelligence to improve agriculture, healthcare, emergency response, climate forecasting and the electric grid.
Melinda J Hamer, Katherine V Houser, Amelia R Hofstetter, Ana M Ortega-Villa, Christine Lee, Anne Preston, Brooke Augustine, Charla Andrews, Galina V Yamshchikov, Somia Hickman, Steven Schech, Jack N Hutter, Paul T Scott, Paige E Waterman, Mihret F Amare, Victoria Kioko, Casey Storme, Kayvon Modjarrad, Melanie D McCauley, Merlin L Robb, Martin R Gaudinski, Ingelise J Gordon, LaSonji A Holman, Alicia T Widge, Larisa Strom, Myra Happe, Josephine H Cox, Sandra Vazquez, Daphne A Stanley, Tamar Murray, Caitlyn N M Dulan, Ruth Hunegnaw, Sandeep R Narpala, Phillip A Swanson, Manjula Basappa, Jagada Thillainathan, Marcelino Padilla, Britta Flach, Sarah O'Connell, Olga Trofymenko, Patricia Morgan, Emily E Coates, Jason G Gall, Adrian B McDermott, Richard A Koup, John R Mascola, Aurélie Ploquin, Nancy J Sullivan, Julie A Ake, Julie E Ledgerwood, RV 507 Study Team (2023-01-28). [Articles] Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the chimpanzee adenovirus type 3-vectored Marburg virus (cAd3-Marburg) vaccine in healthy adults in the USA: a first-in-human, phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation trial. This first-in-human trial of this cAd3-Marburg vaccine showed the agent is safe and immunogenic, with a safety profile similar to previously tested cAd3-vectored filovirus vaccines. 95% of participants produced a glycoprotein-specific antibody response at 4 weeks after a single vaccination, which remained in 70% of participants at 48 weeks. These findings represent a crucial step in the development of a vaccine for emergency deployment against a re-emerging pathogen that has recently expanded its reach to new regions.
Paul Adepoju (2023-01-28). [World Report] New legislation to overhaul mental health care in Nigeria. A new mental health law is hoped to transform care for patients in Nigeria. Paul Adepoju reports from Ibadan, Nigeria.
Richard Horton (2023-01-28). [Comment] Offline: America—a codicil. Yes, the US will remain a dominant force in global health for the foreseeable future. But Shannon K O'Neil, in her provocative book The Globalization Myth, casts doubt on the sustainability of America's influence. First, the positive. The US is wealthy and has vastly skilled human resources to draw on. The country is a global leader in creating and defending a rules-based international order. Industries that depend on technology and discovery science thrive. Logistics are a strength. And the quality of American universities is second to none.
Sandro Vento (2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Medicine should be learned in a conducive environment. Richard Horton argues that an academic health science system must possess societal goals and promote social cohesion and public trust.1 Indeed, medical education should help to promote better health outcomes for vulnerable populations and disadvantaged communities. However, to this end, it is essential that students learn medicine in a conducive environment of public hospitals, community clinics, and health posts.
Talha Burki (2023-01-28). [World Report] "Unfettered flow": how ProMED-mail keeps the world alert. For almost 30 years, contributors to ProMED-mail have flagged new and emerging infectious threats to health. Talha Burki reports.
Xin Ni, Zhe Li, Yingying Liu, Guoliang Bai, Xinping Li, Xiao Zhang (2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Improving childhood cancer care in China — Authors' reply. We thank Yaping Wang and Jue Liu for their Correspondence in response to our Article1 about socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence and access to health services faced by Chinese children and adolescents.
Yaping Wang, Jue Liu (2023-01-28). [Correspondence] Improving childhood cancer care in China. We read with interest Xin Ni and colleagues'1 study on cancer incidence, and the association between incidence and inaccessibility of health services among children and adolescents in China. The authors found that an estimated 121‚Äà145 cancer cases were diagnosed among children and adolescents in China between 2018 and 2020, and found a positive association between cancer incidence and regional socioeconomic status (p<0 ∑0001).
Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-01-28). Video: The Corona Lockdowns, The Vaccine and the Global Debt.
_____ (2023-01-28). What Nurses And Teachers Won By Withholding Their 'Feminized Labor'. At the intensive care unit at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, nurse Kelley Anaas has cared for a lot of people who have gotten sick with Covid-19 during the pandemic. | "I took care of plenty of people who got sick at their work," said Anaas, who has been a nurse for 14 years and is a steward with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA). "I remember taking care of a woman five years older than me, who didn't make it, who got her job working in a liquor store. Her family's not gonna get a dime for the sacrifice she made and the choice she didn't have. I saw the ramifications of that in a much more real… (2023-01-28). Nation sees therapeutics success. China will create broad-spectrum treatments to tackle mutated strains of the COVID-19 virus and develop drugs with novel mechanisms to fight the pathogen, according to a document provided to China Daily. (2023-01-28). Millions on journeys as break nears end. Halfway through the Spring Festival travel rush, the anticipated passenger flow surge has demonstrated Chinese people's strong desire to travel, the nation's robust consumption potential and its economic vitality, thanks to the optimized COVID-19 response management. (2023-01-28). Nepali envoy hopes Chinese return en masse. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, the ambassador of Nepal to China, said the Chinese government's adjustment of its COVID-19 response measures is a very important step that helps to promote economic development both for China and the world, enhance people-to-people exchanges and boost tourism.
teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-01-28). Arriban a Paraguay 100.200 dosis de vacuna contra la Covid-19. El país registró, del 7 de enero de 2020 al 21 de enero de 2023, 806.256 casos del Sars-Cov-2.
Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson (2023-01-28). COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse. The following is a
Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-01-28). The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock Down Society. The misuse of the RT-PCR technique is used as an intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society,…