Daily Archives: June 19, 2021

2021-06-19: News Headlines

teleSUR (2021-06-19). Over 200k Jamaicans Have Been Shot With Astrazeneca Vaccine. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, Health Ministry official Melody Ennis confirmed that over 220,000 Jamaicans have received at least one dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. | RELATED: | She noted that 51,908 people have completed the vaccination process, while 168,758 people have only received one dose. These figures account for 6.2 percent of the Caribbean island's population. | "Please be reminded that persons are not fully protected until after they…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Mayo Clinic offers COVID-19 walk-in vaccine clinics in Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org UPDATE: Mayo Clinic in Rochester and at its Health System sites continue to offer patients, visitors and staff additional convenient opportunities to be vaccinated for COVID-19. All domestic and international patients, visitors and staff who want to be vaccinated for COVID-19 have opportunities to do so at walk-in clinics this week. Anyone 12 and older …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). COVID-19 travel tips for people with weakened immune systems. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Experts say getting fully vaccinated is the most important step people can take to lower their risk of transmitting or getting infected with COVID-19. Even then, Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist, suggests travelers wear a mask, avoid congregated areas when possible and maintain good hand hygiene. These measures are especially important …

Editor2 (2021-06-19). Interview with Nicaraguan Sandinista: Pandemic Recovery, New Elections Follow Defeat of US Coup Attempt. orinocotribune.com Fight Back! interviewed Rosalía Bohórquez, a leader in the youth sector of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). | Fight Back!: What organization are you a member of? | Rosalía Bohórquez: Sandinista Youth | Fight Back!: How has the experience with COVID-19 been in Nicaragua? | Bohórquez: Nicaragua took a preventive attitude since the very beginning of the global pandemic. Thanks to the public health system, a community model, we succeeded in an awareness campaign by going house to house, neighborhood by neighborhood all over the country. | Alongside this campaign, the government began a health mapping…

_____ (2021-06-19). US States Press Reopening Amid Mounting Dangers From COVID Variants. popularresistance.org The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 600,000 people in the United States, according to the semi-official tabulation by Johns Hopkins University. But while more people have been killed in the US by coronavirus than in any other country, American state governments are moving pell mell to drop all public health protection against the deadly virus, while the Biden administration points to a July 4 reopening of the entire country. | Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Thursday that all the state's restrictions on social distancing, indoor gatherings and mask-wearing will be lifted next Tuesday, ending 1…

WSWS (2021-06-19). As COVID-19 variant continues to spread, World Health Organization warns "we expect things to only get worse" wsws.org Surges of the Delta variant in countries around the word, including in Asia, Africa and Europe, have in some cases more than doubled the number of new confirmed coronavirus cases.

Gabriela Cuevas Barron, Justin Koonin (2021-06-19). [Correspondence] A call to action on UHC commitments. thelancet.com Global health is at an extraordinary moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed all the inequities that prevent achieving health for all. At the same time, the pandemic has given countries the opportunity to rebuild health systems differently, and the determination to ensure that bridges are built across geographies and sectors in doing so. This task will only be successful if everyone—communities and civil society, governments, multilateral organisations, philanthropists, and the private sector—does their part.

Ann Danaiya Usher (2021-06-19). [World Report] A beautiful idea: how COVAX has fallen short. thelancet.com COVAX was meant to supply COVID-19 vaccines for all based on solidarity and equity. Instead, it relies on rich countries' willingness to share their doses. Ann Danaiya Usher reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Recent COVID-19 infection could affect recommended timing of your COVID-19 vaccination. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The Food and Drug Administration has expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to include all people 12 and up. To date, about 33 million people in the U.S. have had COVID-19. Mayo Clinic recommends that everyone be vaccinated for COVID-19, even those who were previously infected with COVID-19. Health experts do …

Labor Video Project (2021-06-19). US Criminal Homicidal Covid Policy, Profiteering, Variants, Capitalism & Public Health. indybay.org People's Dr. Nayvin Gordon discusses the homicidal policies of Biden, Newsom and the capitalist politicians in the US and their attack on science…

WSWS (2021-06-19). Sri Lankan health unions shut down protests following rotten deal with government. wsws.org The agreement will do virtually nothing to address the crisis facing frontline health workers during the pandemic, instead serving to suppress their recent wave of strikes and protests.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Forty years of HIV/AIDS: Will the epidemic end? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org June marks the 40th anniversary of the first scientific report describing pneumocystis pneumonia, which later became known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). More than 32 million people have died worldwide from AIDS and 38 million people are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The last 40 years of …

Marjorie Cohn (2021-06-19). Affordable Care Act Survives Right-Wing Attack in Supreme Court. zcomm.org In a long-awaited decision, the Supreme Court rejected a right-wing challenge to the Affordable Care Act in California v. Texas, preserving health insurance for 21 million people…

Martha Grevatt (2021-06-19). Crush anti-trans legislation in Ohio! workers.org Ohio is one of over 30 states where bigoted legislators have introduced bills that attack trans youth. Ohio House Bill 61 and Senate Bill 132 would bar trans-youth athletes from playing on the teams of their gender identity and would deny access to health care for trans youth who are . . . |

Julia Conley (2021-06-19). GOP state laws attacking trans kids' rights are 'unconstitutional': DOJ. nationofchange.org "These filings from the Department of Justice confirm what we have been telling legislatures all year: Banning trans youth from sports and denying trans youth health care violates the Constitution and federal law."

Emilie Koum Besson (2021-06-19). [Perspectives] Confronting whiteness and decolonising global health institutions. thelancet.com Centuries ago, Voltaire satirised the glorification of white men's benevolence in his novel of 1759 Candide. The reader follows Candide's erratic adventures, observing his self-defined good intentions and denial of his own complicity in the atrocities he sees. The text describes the naive optimism of those not directly affected by structural violence but complicit in the creation of the social structures and institutions that enable it. Candide contains a powerful warning. As Carlos Wallace has argued: "Ignorance is a progressive thinker's enemy; acceptance, awareness, accountability and action are the tools of t…

Therese Crutcher-Marin (2021-06-19). Saturday 9/18: San Jose Team Hope 10K Run/5K Walk To Support The Huntington's Disease Society Of America. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail in Campbell California…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Mayo Clinic experts discuss new Alzheimer's treatment option. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Last week, the Food and Drug Administration approved aducanumab to treat Alzheimer's disease, which is a progressive brain disorder that is the most common cause of dementia. Aducanumab targets amyloid plaques in the brain that are believed to be an essential component of Alzheimer's disease. But what does the approval of a new Alzheimer's drug …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Consumer Health: Breast cancer in men. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Breast cancer may be thought of as a disease that affects only women. It's the second most common cancer diagnosed in women in the U.S., and it will affect 1 in 8 women, according to the American Cancer Society. Much of the messaging around breast cancer research focuses on the disease in women. However, breast cancer …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea, Austin to celebrate construction milestone on June 14. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org AUSTIN, Minn. — At a special event on Monday, June 14, Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea and Austin will celebrate a significant milestone in the construction that has spanned both campuses over the past several years. That's when these recently completed units will be unveiled to the community: Medical and Surgical inpatient care …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Consumer Health: Treating cluster headaches. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about one of the most painful types of headache: the cluster headache. Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns or cluster periods that can last from weeks to months. During a cluster period, headaches usually occur daily, sometimes several times …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-19). Mayo Clinic patients with a Patient Online Services account can now access Health Records on iPhone. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic patients who have a Patient Online Services account now can use Health Records on iPhone, which allows users to easily view their health data from multiple health care providers in one place. Patient Online Services is Mayo Clinic's patient portal. Health Records allows iPhone users to gather their health records …

news.un (2021-06-18). COVID-19: Vaccines donated next year, 'too late for those who are dying today'. news.un.org Millions more COVID vaccines need to be donated now to save lives and help the UN health agency reach the key global target of having 70 per cent of all national populations vaccinated, by the middle of 2022.

Rob Wallace (2021-06-18). Rob Wallace on the political economy of pandemics. mronline.org Jair Bolsonaro, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and such leaders across the world are malicious miscreants, convening necropolitical death cults. But the alternatives, also tied to capitalist sociopathy, are only a little bit better. Our "progressives" worship at the altar of the circuits of capital. | June 18, 2021…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Mayo Clinic offers COVID-19 walk-in vaccine clinics in Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org UPDATE: Mayo Clinic in Rochester and at its Health System sites continue to offer patients, visitors and staff additional convenient opportunities to be vaccinated for COVID-19. All domestic and international patients, visitors and staff who want to be vaccinated for COVID-19 have opportunities to do so at walk-in clinics this week. Anyone 12 and older …

Derek Sloan (2021-06-18). Video: Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccine: Report on Health Whistleblowers. Canadian MP Derek Sloan. globalresearch.ca Independent MP Derek Sloan holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to raise concerns about the alleged censorship of doctors and scientists as well as medical information related to vaccines. | The Ontario MP has been critical of lockdowns that have …

Zero Hedge (2021-06-18). Hong Kong Pays Off 3 Patients Who Suffered "Adverse" Reaction to COVID Vaccines. globalresearch.ca For the first …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Study finds patients highly satisfied with telehealth. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic rose dramatically across the nation, including at Mayo Clinic. Telehealth has provided safe, convenient access to health care for people who needed to stay home to follow guidelines for social distancing and quarantines. Recent studies conducted by the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition found that patients and providers are …

WSWS (2021-06-18). US states press reopening amid mounting dangers from COVID variants. wsws.org Michigan is only the latest Democratic-run state to announce the scrapping of all public health measures even though more than half the population is unvaccinated.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2021-06-18). Over 10,000 new coronavirus cases detected in Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 18 (MNA) — More than 10,000 new coronavirus cases have been detected in Iran during the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry's spokeswoman said.

Staff (2021-06-18). US Eases Some Sanctions Against Venezuela to 'Address the Pandemic'. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, June 16, the The Office for the Control of Foreign Assets (OFAC) explained that the license granted permits transactions and activities with the Central Bank of Venezuela, Banco de Venezuela and Banco Bicentenario, among others, that involve masks, ventilators and oxygen tanks, vaccines and the production of vacci…

Jim McIlroy (2021-06-18). Medicare changes will mean higher patient costs. greenleft.org.au The federal government plans to reduce the number of health services it is prepared to subsidise with Medicare rebates. Jim McIlroy reports.

_____ (2021-06-18). The Farmers' Revolt In India. popularresistance.org India is gripped by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The daily confirmed cases crossed 400,000 in May as the health system convulsed, hospital beds filled up, and medical oxygen canisters emptied. The spike in the death rate has created queues at crematoriums. While the spotlight is on Delhi and other urban centres, silent deaths are spreading in rural north India. People are dying of 'fever' and 'breathlessness', the common-sense terms used to describe COVID-19 symptoms. Since many have not been tested for the disease, their deaths are not part of the official numbers. | In September 2020, India's gover…

teleSUR (2021-06-18). Brazil's Senators Ask Social Networks To Censor Bolsonaro. telesurenglish.net Brazil's Senate committee investigating the management of the COVID-19 pandemic will ask Facebook and YouTube to remove statements by President Jair Bolsonaro that threaten public health. | RELATED: | This decision happened the day after the far-right politician said that contracting the virus is a more effective decision than getting vaccinated. | "Everyone who got the virus is vaccinated even more effective than those who…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Recent COVID-19 infection could affect recommended timing of your COVID-19 vaccination. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The Food and Drug Administration has expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to include all people 12 and up. To date, about 33 million people in the U.S. have had COVID-19. Mayo Clinic recommends that everyone be vaccinated for COVID-19, even those who were previously infected with COVID-19. Health experts do …

news.un (2021-06-18). Famine risk spikes amid conflict, COVID-19 and funding gaps: WFP. news.un.org The impact of conflicts old and new, climate shocks and COVID-19, in addition to a lack of funding, have left millions more on the verge of famine than six months ago, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday.

Megan Redshaw (2021-06-18). Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in 'High Concentrations' in Ovaries. globalresearch.ca Visit and follow us on Instagram at @

Maria Paez Victor (2021-06-18). Disease as a Weapon: Has the US Blocked Vaccines For Venezuela? counterpunch.org According to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres 75% of vaccines distributed since Feb. 2021 went to the 10 richest countries of the world. At the G7 sorority meeting last week the leaders pledged to "share" up to 2 billion doses of their "surplus" vaccines. The WHO has declared it is not enough since 11

Joe Glenton (2021-06-18). Civil liberties group takes aim at the secret dossiers internet firms keep on all of us. thecanary.co Civil liberties activists will sue global advertisers and social media giants who keep secret dossiers of our private information. The Irish Council For Civil Liberties (ICCL) It is claimed the dossiers can include financial and mental health information, and "even whether our children have special needs". | Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter are targets of the lawsuit, as well as Verizon, AT&T and the entire online advertising…

Staff (2021-06-18). Affordable Care Act Survives Right-Wing Attack in Supreme Court. truthout.org In a long-awaited decision, the Supreme Court rejected a right-wing challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in The 7-2 opinion, written by Stephen Breyer, held that the plaintiffs did not have standing to contest the constitutionality of the ACA. Thus, since they could not demonstrate that they had been h…

Mark Gruenberg (2021-06-18). Jobless checks could soon stop for three in four getting aid. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Nearly three in four workers now getting federal jobless aid—specifically the weekly $300 checks—could fall off an economic cliff in coming weeks and millions could get nothing at all, Economic Policy Institute Policy Director Heidi Shierholz and the National Employment Law Project warn. "About three-quarters of people receiving UI (unemployment insurance) benefits are on" the …

_____ (2021-06-18). The Farmers' Revolt in India. popularresistance.org The consequence of such severe bleeding of resources was that, even in good crop years, peasants barely had enough food to survive. In bad years — when the monsoon season failed — farmers could barely scrape together enough money to pay their taxes before lapsing into months of total starvation. Peasants could not save money or food in good years because the taxation prevented any savings. This left them vulnerable in the bad years. When drought or crop failures came, as they inevitably do, the farmers had no buffer from the atrocity of famine.

WSWS (2021-06-18). Nurses in Everett, Washington authorize strike for better pay, benefits and more staff. wsws.org Hospital administration is attempting to cut pay as well as health and leave benefits at the two Providence Medical Center facilities.

Therese Crutcher-Marin (2021-06-18). Saturday 9/18: San Jose Team Hope 10K Run/5K Walk To Support The Huntington's Disease Society Of America. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail in Campbell California…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). FDA approves aducanumab to treat Alzheimer's disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aducanumab to treat Alzheimer's disease on Monday, June 7. About 6 million people in the U.S. and 30 million worldwide are living with Alzheimer's disease, a progressive brain disorder that is the most common cause of dementia. "I think this is good news for our patients with Alzheimer's …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Consumer Health: Breast cancer in men. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Breast cancer may be thought of as a disease that affects only women. It's the second most common cancer diagnosed in women in the U.S., and it will affect 1 in 8 women, according to the American Cancer Society. Much of the messaging around breast cancer research focuses on the disease in women. However, breast cancer …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Science Saturday: Patients need to know how their data affects their health outcomes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In the near future, genome sequencing, among other biological measures, will be as routine as X-rays and cholesterol testing. The challenge, though, will be accurately interpreting the vast amount of data and effectively using it to guide decisions about health care. In a position statement published in Hepatology, Mayo Clinic researchers layout perspectives of various stakeholders …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Consumer Health: Life after cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org National Cancer Survivors Day will be observed on Sunday, June 6, which make this a good time to learn more about life after cancer. One in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and there are more than 16.9 million cancer survivors alive today, according to the American Cancer Society. Survival rates …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2021-06-18). Consumer Health: Treating cluster headaches. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about one of the most painful types of headache: the cluster headache. Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns or cluster periods that can last from weeks to months. During a cluster period, headaches usually occur daily, sometimes several times …

WSWS (2021-06-18). Indian chemical factory explosion and fire kill 18. wsws.org The tragic loss of life and terrible injuries are a direct result of the callous indifference of management and the state authorities towards mandatory occupational safety measures and workers' health and lives.

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