Monthly Archives: September 2018

2018-09-10: News Headlines

Shared by mike_6 (2018-09-10). Trump's Economy Is on a Path to a Bust. Whose interests are being promoted by macroeconomic policies in the United States? Is Donald Trump good for the economy? Is he responsible for the current economic indicators, which seem to be healthy? Are his tariff policies good for workers here and abroad? And how does his approach to economics differ from Obamas? | Howard Sherman is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of California at Riverside, a founding member of the Union for Radical Political Economics and author of Inequality, Boom, and Bust: From Billionaire Capitalism to Equality and Full Employment and Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs Austerity Policies (co-authored with Michael Meeropol, and now in its second edition). In an exclusive interview for Truthout, Sherman provides answers to these questions and exposes the myths associated with the "success story" of Trumps economy. In fact, Sherman contends that the…

Bryan Gibb, Salon (2018-09-10). Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs Are Getting Deadlier. It may seem absurd to fight disease with viruses, but bacteriophages could be the fix for a growing problem | The world's most frightening infections aren't carried by plague-infested rats, rabid dogs, or chimps with Ebola. They're transmitted by "superbugs" — disease-causing bacteria that can't be killed by antibiotic. . .

wsws (2018-09-10). Chicago hotel workers' strike enters fourth day. Thousands of hotel workers have struck at 25 locations in and around downtown Chicago since Friday, fighting for better health care and wages.

wsws (2018-09-10). Striking Chicago hotel workers speak out on fight for wages, health care. The WSWS spoke to striking hotel workers on the picket lines in downtown Chicago Saturday.

Margaret Flowers (2018-09-09). We've Come a Long Way: Obama Says Medicare for All Is a "Good New Idea" On September 7, 2018, speaking at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, President Obama said that Democrats are running on "good new ideas like Medicare for All…" | This indicates a significant …

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2018-09-09). How Milwaukee Teachers Beat Back Cuts and Busywork.

| Collective bargaining is all but illegal for public sector workers in Wisconsin. So how did Milwaukee teachers not only block major cuts to public schools but also make gains on workload and health care? | At the height of the red-state teacher strikes in April and May, teachers and school employees in Milwaukee passed around a petition at school committing that to win their demands, they were ready to "do whatever it takes." | The clear subtext: illegal or not, teachers might walk out. "We were assessing our collective willingness to step out further than we have before," said Milwaukee Teachers Education Association President Amy Mizialko, "including shutting down schools." | In May the district blinked. Management backed off its proposed 5 percent cut to schools budget and cuts to health care, and it…

wsws (2018-09-08). UAW silent after Fiat Chrysler worker injured at Kokomo casting plant. The injury of a worker this week at the Fiat Chrysler Kokomo Casting Plant underscores the seriousness of workers' concerns over health and safety conditions.

Dean Baker (2018-09-07). The Battle Over Medicare for All. The Fact Check gang has been having a field day going after Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other proponents of Medicare for All. The latest battle is over a study produced by the right-wing Mercatus which showed that a government-run health care program could reduce national health expenditures by $2 trillion over the course of More

Martha Rosenberg (2018-09-07). New Mad Cow Case: Nothing to See Here, Says USDA. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a new home grown mad cow case recently in a cow raised for beef in Florida. The 6-year-old cow tested positive for atypical H-type BSE but, "never entered slaughter channels, and at no time presented a risk to the food supply, or to human health," says USDA. The assurance More

wsws (2018-09-07). Waste plastics poison the food chain and contribute to global warming. A variety of recent research highlights the ways in which the huge amounts of discarded plastic products are harmful to the environment and human health.

wsws (2018-09-07). Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) forum reviews lessons of nursing union sellout. Participants discussed the need for health workers to rebel against the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, build rank-and-file committees and unite with workers internationally, based on a socialist perspective.

aclu (2018-09-04). The EMPOWER Care Act Would Give People With Disabilities the Freedom They Deserve. Congress should re-authorize the Money Follows the Person program, which helps people with disabilities move back home. | On Wednesday, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee will consider the EMPOWER Care Act, bipartisan legislation to re-authorize the Money Follows the Person program, which helps people with disabilities move from institutions into the community. | MFP is li…

Paul Dobson (2018-08-30). Venezuela Denounces Regional Anti-Migrant 'Xenophobia' as Brazil Militarises Border. The Maduro administration contrasted the recent attacks against Venezuelan migrants to its own open door policy which has seen foreigners benefit from free health, housing, education, and food programs.

Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet (2018-08-27). NAACP Statement on Birmingham, Alabama's Right to Clean Soil and a Healthy Environment. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People released the following statement in response to recent reports regarding environmental cleanup efforts in the Inglenook neighborhood of Birmingham, Alabama. "NAACP maintains its commitment to uphold the rights of all people to pollution remediation and clean soil," said Jacqueline Patterson, Director, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program. "As […]

2018-09-10: Social Media Postees

Trump's Economy Is on a Path to a Bust
Shared by mike_6 | | 2018-09-10
Whose interests are being promoted by macroeconomic policies in the United States? Is Donald Trump good for the economy? Is he responsible for the current economic indicators, which seem to be healthy? Are his tariff policies good for workers here and abroad? And how does his approach to economics differ from Obamas? | Howard Sherman is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of California at Riverside, a founding member of the Union for Radical Political Economics and author of Inequality, Boom, and Bust: From Billionaire Capitalism to Equality and Full Employment and Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs Austerity Policies (co-authored with Michael Meeropol, and now in its second edition). In an exclusive interview for Truthout, Sherman provides answers to these questions and exposes the myths associated with the "success story" of Trumps economy. In fact, Sherman contends that the……

Striking Chicago hotel workers speak out on fight for wages, health care
wsws | | 2018-09-10
The WSWS spoke to striking hotel workers on the picket lines in downtown Chicago Saturday.…

Chicago hotel workers' strike enters fourth day
wsws | | 2018-09-10
Thousands of hotel workers have struck at 25 locations in and around downtown Chicago since Friday, fighting for better health care and wages.…

We've Come a Long Way: Obama Says Medicare for All Is a "Good New Idea"
Margaret Flowers | | 2018-09-09
On September 7, 2018, speaking at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, President Obama said that Democrats are running on "good new ideas like Medicare for All…" | This indicates a significant …

How Milwaukee Teachers Beat Back Cuts and Busywork
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | | 2018-09-09

| Collective bargaining is all but illegal for public sector workers in Wisconsin. So how did Milwaukee teachers not only block major cuts to public schools but also make gains on workload and health care? | At the height of the red-state teacher strikes in April and May, teachers and school employees in Milwaukee passed around a petition at school committing that to win their demands, they were ready to "do whatever it takes." | The clear subtext: illegal or not, teachers might walk out. "We were assessing our collective willingness to step out further than we have before," said Milwaukee Teachers Education Association President Amy Mizialko, "including shutting down schools." | In May the district blinked. Management backed off its proposed 5 percent cut to schools budget and cuts to health care, and it……

UAW silent after Fiat Chrysler worker injured at Kokomo casting plant
wsws | | 2018-09-08
The injury of a worker this week at the Fiat Chrysler Kokomo Casting Plant underscores the seriousness of workers' concerns over health and safety conditions.…

The Battle Over Medicare for All
Dean Baker | | 2018-09-07
The Fact Check gang has been having a field day going after Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other proponents of Medicare for All. The latest battle is over a study produced by the right-wing Mercatus which showed that a government-run health care program could reduce national health expenditures by $2 trillion over the course of……

New Mad Cow Case: Nothing to See Here, Says USDA
Martha Rosenberg | | 2018-09-07
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a new home grown mad cow case recently in a cow raised for beef in Florida. The 6-year-old cow tested positive for atypical H-type BSE but, "never entered slaughter channels, and at no time presented a risk to the food supply, or to human health," says USDA. The assurance……

Waste plastics poison the food chain and contribute to global warming
wsws | | 2018-09-07
A variety of recent research highlights the ways in which the huge amounts of discarded plastic products are harmful to the environment and human health.…

Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) forum reviews lessons of nursing union sellout
wsws | | 2018-09-07
Participants discussed the need for health workers to rebel against the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, build rank-and-file committees and unite with workers internationally, based on a socialist perspective.…

The EMPOWER Care Act Would Give People With Disabilities the Freedom They Deserve
aclu | | 2018-09-04
Congress should re-authorize the Money Follows the Person program, which helps people with disabilities move back home. | On Wednesday, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee will consider the EMPOWER Care Act, bipartisan legislation to re-authorize the Money Follows the Person program, which helps people with disabilities move from institutions into the community. | MFP is li……

Venezuela Denounces Regional Anti-Migrant 'Xenophobia' as Brazil Militarises Border
Paul Dobson | | 2018-08-30
The Maduro administration contrasted the recent attacks against Venezuelan migrants to its own open door policy which has seen foreigners benefit from free health, housing, education, and food programs.

NAACP Statement on Birmingham, Alabama's Right to Clean Soil and a Healthy Environment
Vanessa Mbonu@naacpnet | | 2018-08-27
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People released the following statement in response to recent reports regarding environmental cleanup efforts in the Inglenook neighborhood of Birmingham, Alabama. "NAACP maintains its commitment to uphold the rights of all people to pollution remediation and clean soil," said Jacqueline Patterson, Director, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program. "As […] | The post NAACP Statement on Birmingham, Alabama's Right to Clean……

Last Process: 13 Postees 2018-09-10 22:22:16 GMT (16:22 MDT)