Monthly Archives: September 2018

2018-09-15: News Headlines

Shared by Anton Woronczuk (2018-09-15). Trying To Protect Seniors, The Most Vulnerable, From Formidable Foe Florence. Perhaps no other population is as vulnerable during a hurricane as frail, older adults, especially those who are homebound or living in nursing homes. Before Hurricane Florence slammed the North Carolina coast Friday morning, health officials were already scrambling to keep older residents safe. | Seniors "are not only the most likely to die in hurricanes, but in wildfires and other disasters," said Dr. Karen DeSalvo, a New Orleans native who served as health commissioner in that city after Hurricane Katrina and went on to be named acting assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services for the Obama administration. "The seniors always seem to bear a big brunt of the storms." | Older people may have a harder time evacuating because they don't have their own cars or are homebound, said Lauren Sauer, director of operations at the…

Matthew Rozsa, Salon (2018-09-15). Fox News Fact-Checks a False Economic Claim Made by a Trump — For a Second Time This Week. The president's son also repeated an anti-Semitic slur he had previously used regarding Bob Woodward's book "Fear | Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump, was fact-checked Thursday by Republican-friendly Fox News after he mischaracterized the health of the economy under former President Barack Obama in order to play up his father's record. During an appearance on. . .

Labor Video Project (2018-09-15). STEP 3:The SFCC HR Hearing Of SEIU1021 Potrero Hill Health Center Steward Cheryl Thornton. SEIU 1021 SF Potrero Hill Health Center steward Cheryl Thornton is a whistleblower and has been fighting to defend the clinic against racism and gentrification. The city is planning to close the community clinics down in their privatization drive. She talks about the frame-up against her and also others discuss the racist attack on African American workers and ethnic cleansing in San Francisco.

wsws (2018-09-15). Teacher strike in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania wins broad support. On Friday, approximately 1,000 teachers, students, and supporters picketed East Stroudsburg's South High School as a strike continues by instructors over management demands for major cuts in health care.

Ellie Geranmayeh (2018-09-14). Iran: The Case For Protecting Humanitarian Trade. by Ellie Geranmayeh and James Miller [dropcap]A[/dropcap] crisis is looming in Iran's healthcare sector: patients are reporting shortages in life-saving medicine. The situation is expected to worsen once US sanctions on Iran are reimposed in November. European and US companies that can provide the advanced medicine and equipment needed to treat chronic diseases inside Iran […]

Lauren Carasik (2018-09-14). The IMF's 'Large Brain, Unhealthy Ego, and Tiny Conscience'. The IMF's 'Large Brain, Unhealthy Ego, and Tiny Conscience' appeared first on The Nation.

wsws (2018-09-13). Teachers strike in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. The district's teachers are being asked to shoulder increased health care costs.

Paul Dobson (2018-08-30). Venezuela Denounces Regional Anti-Migrant 'Xenophobia' as Brazil Militarises Border. The Maduro administration contrasted the recent attacks against Venezuelan migrants to its own open door policy which has seen foreigners benefit from free health, housing, education, and food programs.

2018-09-15: Social Media Postees

Trying To Protect Seniors, The Most Vulnerable, From Formidable Foe Florence
Shared by Anton Woronczuk | | 2018-09-15
Perhaps no other population is as vulnerable during a hurricane as frail, older adults, especially those who are homebound or living in nursing homes. Before Hurricane Florence slammed the North Carolina coast Friday morning, health officials were already scrambling to keep older residents safe. | Seniors "are not only the most likely to die in hurricanes, but in wildfires and other disasters," said Dr. Karen DeSalvo, a New Orleans native who served as health commissioner in that city after Hurricane Katrina and went on to be named acting assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services for the Obama administration. "The seniors always seem to bear a big brunt of the storms." | Older people may have a harder time evacuating because they don't have their own cars or are homebound, said Lauren Sauer, director of operations at the……

Fox News Fact-Checks a False Economic Claim Made by a Trump — For a Second Time This Week
Matthew Rozsa, Salon | | 2018-09-15
The president's son also repeated an anti-Semitic slur he had previously used regarding Bob Woodward's book "Fear | Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump, was fact-checked Thursday by Republican-friendly Fox News after he mischaracterized the health of the economy under former President Barack Obama in order to play up his father's record. During an appearance on. . .…

Teacher strike in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania wins broad support
wsws | | 2018-09-15
On Friday, approximately 1,000 teachers, students, and supporters picketed East Stroudsburg's South High School as a strike continues by instructors over management demands for major cuts in health care.…

STEP 3:The SFCC HR Hearing Of SEIU1021 Potrero Hill Health Center Steward Cheryl Thornton
Labor Video Project | | 2018-09-15
SEIU 1021 SF Potrero Hill Health Center steward Cheryl Thornton is a whistleblower and has been fighting to defend the clinic against racism and gentrification. The city is planning to close the community clinics down in their privatization drive. She talks about the frame-up against her and also others discuss the racist attack on African American workers and ethnic cleansing in San Francisco.…

Iran: The Case For Protecting Humanitarian Trade
Ellie Geranmayeh | | 2018-09-14
by Ellie Geranmayeh and James Miller [dropcap]A[/dropcap] crisis is looming in Iran's healthcare sector: patients are reporting shortages in life-saving medicine. The situation is expected to worsen once US sanctions on Iran are reimposed in November. European and US companies that can provide the advanced medicine and equipment needed to treat chronic diseases inside Iran […] | The post Iran: The Case For Protecting Humanitarian Trade appeared first on The Iranian.…

The IMF's 'Large Brain, Unhealthy Ego, and Tiny Conscience'
Lauren Carasik | | 2018-09-14
The IMF's 'Large Brain, Unhealthy Ego, and Tiny Conscience' appeared first on The Nation.…

Teachers strike in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
wsws | | 2018-09-13
The district's teachers are being asked to shoulder increased health care costs.…

Venezuela Denounces Regional Anti-Migrant 'Xenophobia' as Brazil Militarises Border
Paul Dobson | | 2018-08-30
The Maduro administration contrasted the recent attacks against Venezuelan migrants to its own open door policy which has seen foreigners benefit from free health, housing, education, and food programs.

Last Process: 8 Postees 2018-09-15 18:46:15 GMT (12:46 MDT)